The MCS Supermarket Seafood Survey uncovers how seriously UK retailers are taking sustainability.
Sainsbury’s Joins Marks & Spencer in Joint Top Spot When it Comes to Sustainable Seafood
(UNITED KINGDOM, 1/31/2014)
The lack of participation in the Marine Conservation Society's latest Supermarket Seafood Survey by some of the UK’s most well-known retailers is keeping consumers in the dark when it comes to choosing sustainable seafood.
Tesco, which has the highest market share of seafood of all the UK’s supermarkets declined to take part in the Marine Conservation Society (MCS) survey, which assesses retailers’ seafood policies, own brand sources and labelling, as well as other indicators of how seriously supermarkets take sustainability. Aldi also chose not to participate this year with Asda, Lidl, Spar and Budgens not even responding.
M&S continue to lead the way in sustainable seafood. |
Sainsbury’s and Marks & Spencer are the two supermarkets leading the way in joint first, whilst the Co-operative comes in close second and Waitrose third. Morrisons have again missed out on a top three place yet showed promise in some survey categories.
“This survey is great news for Sainsbury’s,” says MCS Fisheries Officer, Samuel Stone. “They have the second highest market share of seafood behind Tesco and have managed to join M&S at the top for the first time. They now have the best seafood policy in place, great consumer information and a very good proportion of seafood that is certified or rated well by MCS.”
M&S have once again performed very well in nearly all survey categories and continue to extend their strong ethical influence on the supply chain.
Sainsbury's long term commitment to seafood sustainability has paid off as they have come first in this year’s survey. (Photo Credit: Sainsbury's) |
Iceland and North of England based Booths are still selling far too much seafood from the MCS's Fish to Avoid list and have not, unlike other retailers, made efforts to improve these fisheries and farms.
Waitrose have been a very strong performer in the Supermarket Survey since the survey began - and have again performed very well, coming in third. (Photo Credit: Waitrose) |
The MCS thinks that traceability and labelling of seafood still needs improvement from all retailers: “In many cases seafood has a longer supply chain than meat. We know that some fish caught in UK waters is then sent halfway across the world, often to Asia, to be processed and then transported back here and sold in our supermarkets,” says Samuel Stone. “What’s needed in the supply chain are the 3T’s - trust, transparency and traceability – to make sure that seafood doesn’t have its own ‘horsemeat’ scandal to deal with.”
Whilst improvements have been made, labeling and consumer awareness continues to be an issue for even the leading retailers. New labeling laws come into effect this year, which means that shoppers should start to see better information on seafood products, including how the fish was caught, where it was caught or farmed, and the full species name. This information is essential when consumers are checking products against the MCS fish advice website or the charity’s Pocket Good Fish Guide and smart phone Apps.
The MCS would like to see key environmental credentials travel with the product throughout the supply chain, so that at any point in the chain, they can be easily identified. However, it appears that IT constraints, time and willingness within the industry are making better traceability hard to achieve.
It’s encouraging to see the overall high proportions of seafood rated by MCS as 3 or better or certified to recognised standards being sold. This represented 100% of the Co-op’s own brand seafood sources and 91% for Waitrose. Despite finishing outside the top three Iceland and Booths both did well in this area and Booths have committed to developing a seafood policy this year.
Although Morrisons came last in this category their percentage of own-brand sources was still 69%. “This is very encouraging” says Samuel Stone, “but it means that nearly a third of all their own brand seafood sources need considerable improvement”.
Nearly half of the seafood sold in the UK is now from farmed sources. The MCS will be asking retailers to ensure these farms use responsibly sourced feed for all species.
Tesco, which has the highest market share of seafood of all the UK’s supermarkets declined to take part in the MCS survey. (Photo Credit: Tesco)
“We are seeing good uptake of responsible feed for salmon, but for fish farmed outside of the UK it is a different story. With so much fish being imported, our retailers have to ensure the use of responsible feed for all farmed fish, as well as encouraging the use of a wide range of feed ingredients for all species,” says Dawn Purchase, Senior Aquaculture Officer at MCS.
About The Marine Conservation Society
The Marine Conservation Society (MCS) is the UK charity dedicated to caring for our seas, shores and wildlife. MCS campaigns for clean seas and beaches, sustainable fisheries, and protection for all marine life.
The MCS celebrated its Silver Jubilee in the year 2008/09, 25 years of groundbreaking work to protect our sea life - from whales, dolphins, sharks and turtles, to fish, plankton, corals and crabs.
You can support MCS in its vital work to save our seas, by joining MCS as a supporter, making a donation, or taking part in projects about MCS.
The MCS Good Fish Guide is designed to help consumers to identify fish more resilient to fishing pressure, from well-managed sources and caught using methods that minimise damage to wildlife and habitats, allowing to make the best seafood choices. |
Source: MCS
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