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HK - Aberdeen Wholesales Fish Market * HK - Castle Peak Wholesales Fish Market *
JP - Japanese Frozen ** JP - Osaka Central Fish Market *
JP - Tokyo Metropolitan Market (Toyosu) *
DK - Fiskeauktion Danmark * DK - Grenaa Fiskeauktion *
DK - Hanstholm Fiskeauktion * DK - Hirtshals Fiskeauktion *
DK - Hvide Sande Fiskeauktion * DK - Skagen Fiskeauktion *
DK - Strandby Fiskeauktion * DK - Thorsminde Fiskeauktion *
DK - Thyboron Fiskeauktion * ES - La Lonja de Vigo *
ES - Mercabarna Fresh ** ES - Mercabarna Frozen **
ES - Mercamadrid Fresh ** ES - Mercamadrid Frozen **
IT - Aci Trezza * IT - Cattolica Fish Market *
IT - Cesenatico * IT - Manfredonia *
NL - Den Helder/Texel * NL - Den Oever *
NL - Hollandse Visveiling Ijmuiden BV * NL - Visafslag Colijnsplaat *
NL - Visafslag Scheveningen * NL - Visafslag Stellendam *
NO - Norwegian Export Prices ** SE - Goteborgs Fiskauktion *
SE - Smogens Fiskauktion * UK - Grimsby Fish Market *
UK - Scrabster Harbour Fish Market *
 North America  
MX - La Nueva Viga * US - Boston Frozen Market **
US - Gloucester Seafood Auction * US - New Bedford Seafood Auction *
US - New York Fulton Frozen Seafood ** US - Portland Auction *
 South America  
BR - Ceagesp Wholesale Market ** PE - Mercado Mayorista Ventanilla *
PE - Mercado Mayorista Villa Maria del Triunfo *

PRODUCE Sets Total Allowable Catch Limit for Giant Squid at 190,000 Tons
Peru The measure will be in effect until June 30, 2025, marking the beginning of the sector's recovery.   Constant monitoring, evidence-based decision-making, and the commitment of artisanal fisherm...
Pilot Test of Field Forensic Device Identifies More Than 40 Tons of Trafficked Fish
United States The NOAA Fisheries Office of Law Enforcement has introduced a new rapid genetics device to assist enforcement staff in combating seafood fraud and illegal trade by bringing forensic capabilities direc...
Fisheries Agency Proposes 60% Reduction in Pacific Mackerel Quota for Next Season
Japan Pacific mackerel catch quota set at 139,000 tons. In response to declining mackerel catches, a policy has been finalized to reduce the current catch quota on the Pacific coast for the next season, be...
Puerto Madryn Surpasses Historic Record in Illex Squid Landings
Argentina The fishing docks of Puerto Madryn have surpassed their own record for squid landings. With partial data from the first half of March 2025, more tons have already been unloaded than in all of 2024, wh...

Maruha Nichiro Corporation
Nichirei Corporation - Headquarters
Pesquera El Golfo S.A.
Ventisqueros - Productos del Mar Ventisqueros S.A
Wärtsilä Corporation - Wartsila Group Headquarters
ITOCHU Corporation - Headquarters
BAADER - Nordischer Maschinenbau Rud. Baader GmbH+Co.KG (Head Office)
Inmarsat plc - Global Headquarters
Marks & Spencer
Tesco PLC (Supermarket) - Headquarters
Sea Harvest Corporation (PTY) Ltd. - Group Headquarters
I&J - Irvin & Johnson Holding Company (Pty) Ltd.
AquaChile S.A. - Group Headquarters
Pesquera San Jose S.A.
Nutreco N.V. - Head Office
CNFC China National Fisheries Corporation - Group Headquarters
W. van der Zwan & Zn. B.V.
SMMI - Sunderland Marine Mutual Insurance Co., Ltd. - Headquarters
Icicle Seafoods, Inc
Starkist Seafood Co. - Headquearters
Trident Seafoods Corp.
American Seafoods Group LLC - Head Office
Marel - Group Headquarters
SalMar ASA - Group Headquarters
Sajo Industries Co., Ltd
Hansung Enterprise Co.,Ltd.
BIM - Irish Sea Fisheries Board (An Bord Iascaigh Mhara)
CEFAS - Centre for Environment, Fisheries & Aquaculture Science
COPEINCA ASA - Corporacion Pesquera Inca S.A.C.
Chun Cheng Fishery Enterprise Pte Ltd.
VASEP - Vietnam Association of Seafood Exporters & Producers
Gomes da Costa
Furuno Electric Co., Ltd. (Headquarters)
NISSUI - Nippon Suisan Kaisha, Ltd. - Group Headquarters
FAO - Food and Agriculture Organization - Fisheries and Aquaculture Department (Headquarter)
Hagoromo Foods Co., Ltd.
Koden Electronics Co., Ltd. (Headquarters)
A.P. Møller - Maersk A/S - Headquarters
BVQI - Bureau Veritas Quality International (Head Office)
UPS - United Parcel Service, Inc. - Headquarters
Brim ehf (formerly HB Grandi Ltd) - Headquarters
Hamburg Süd Group - (Headquearters)
Armadora Pereira S.A. - Grupo Pereira Headquarters
Costa Meeresspezialitäten GmbH & Co. KG
NOAA - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (Headquarters)
Mowi ASA (formerly Marine Harvest ASA) - Headquarters
Marubeni Europe Plc -UK-
Findus Ltd
Icom Inc. (Headquarter)
WWF Centroamerica
Oceana Group Limited
The David and Lucile Packard Foundation
Ajinomoto Co., Inc. - Headquarters
Friosur S.A. - Headquarters
Cargill, Incorporated - Global Headquarters
Benihana Inc.
Leardini Pescados Ltda
CJ Corporation  - Group Headquarters
Greenpeace International - The Netherlands | Headquarters
David Suzuki Foundation
Fisheries and Oceans Canada -Communications Branch-
Mitsui & Co.,Ltd - Headquarters
NOREBO Group (former Ocean Trawlers Group)
Natori Co., Ltd.
Carrefour Supermarket - Headquarters
FedEx Corporation - Headquarters
Cooke Aquaculture Inc. - Group Headquarters
AKBM - Aker BioMarine ASA
Seafood Choices Alliance -Headquarter-
Austevoll Seafood ASA
Walmart | Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. (Supermarket) - Headquarters
New Japan Radio Co.Ltd (JRC) -Head Office-
Gulfstream JSC
Marine Stewardship Council - MSC Worldwide Headquarters
Royal Dutch Shell plc (Headquarter)
Genki Sushi Co.,Ltd -Headquarter-
Iceland Pelagic ehf
AXA Assistance Argentina S.A.
Caterpillar Inc. - Headquarters
Tiger Brands Limited
National Geographic Society
AmazonFresh, LLC - AmazonFresh

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