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Goiás State Has Climate and Area Favorable to Fish Farming, But Taxation Is a Hindrance

Friday, March 28, 2025, 06:00 (GMT + 9)

Proximity to grains is a differentiator, however, the lack of tax parity between the states of the Midwest and constant changes in legislation hinder the sector's expansion. Goiás has significant potential for the development of fish farming, with highly favorable geographical, climatic, and economic conditions. The proximity to the Federal District and the strong production of grains, such as corn and soybeans, help reduce feed costs, making the activity more competitive. However, the growth of production is still timid, and challenges such as the lack of tax parity between the states of the Midwest and constant changes in legislation prevent a more significant evolution of the sector. The president of the Aquaculture Commission of the Federation of Agriculture and Livestock of Goiás (FAEG), Paulo Roberto Silveira Filho, reinforces that the state has all the neces... FULL STORY

AKVA Group Poised to Lead the Future of Land-Based Aquaculture
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Aquaconnect Invests $4.5 Million in Aquaculture Research and Development
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Fisheries Dept: Malaysia Records Surge in Neritic Tuna Landings for 2024, Surpasses 63,780 Metric Tonnes
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Viet Nam
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