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IN BRIEF - Russian Fleet modernization in action: new crab catcher 'Sergey Prikhodko' arrives in the Far East

Thursday, October 24, 2024

The vessel, which was named after the outstanding diplomat and statesman of modern Russia Sergei Prikhodko, arrived at the port of Nakhodka. The crab boat was built by the Nobel Brothers Shipyard as part of the "keel quota" program for PAO Nakhodka Active Marine Fishing Base.

The vessel was built for fishing in the Okhotsk and Bering Sea basins. Nine tanks with a total capacity of over 640 cubic meters for transporting the catch in sea water are installed on board; the tanks are equipped with cooling, purification and water quality control systems.

"Sergey Prikhodko" is capable of transporting up to 120 tons of live crab over long distances. Seafood can be stored and transported live for up to 30 days.

The vessel will set off to fish in the Sea of ??Okhotsk in November; it has become the eighth crab fishing vessel in the fleet of the Nakhodka Base of Active Marine Fisheries company (part of the TIGR Group).

Source: Federal Agency for Fisheries

IN BRIEF - Governor Vidal opens the ports of Santa Cruz to a Chinese company operating in mile 201

Thursday, October 24, 2024

The governor of Santa Cruz, Claudio Vidal, signed an investment agreement with the Chinese company Hongdong Fisheries Co. Ltd. during his recent visit to China, says journalist Nelson Saldivia on his platform 'Parte de Pesca'.
This agreement includes the modernization of the port infrastructure, improvements in the five provincial ports, the construction of shipyards and new fishing plants in the Patagonian province. Hongdong Fisheries, which operates in mile 201 of the South Atlantic, seeks to establish a logistics hub in Patagonia to supply the Chinese fleet that fishes in that area.
The project has generated controversy, since, since 2020, Chinese fishing companies have tried to create a base in the region to offer port services to their fleets. The initiative has been supported by Vidal, both during his time as a national deputy and now as governor, despite opposition from Argentine fishing sectors and environmental groups. The director of the Port Executive Unit of Santa Cruz, Selsa Hernández, had revived the debate on the authorization of provincial ports to supply foreign fleets, an idea that continues to advance with this recent agreement.
The discussion on the possible economic benefits and environmental risks of the project continues on the public agenda.

IN BRIEF - New funding and initiatives to protect high seas biodiversity to be announced at high level event

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

United Nations Biodiversity Conference, CBD COP16

28 OCTOBER 2024 | 07.30-09.00am UTC-5/1.30pm CET/12.30pm BST  

Nature Positive Pavilion, Big Room, Centro de Eventos Valle del Pacífico, Cali, Colombia

You are invited to join “Raising Ambition and Accelerating Action to Protect High Seas Biodiversity”, a high-level event organized by the governments of Chile, Belgium, France, and Nigeria, together with the Bloomberg Ocean Initiative, NRDC (Natural Resources Defense Council), and the High Seas Alliance. This event takes place on the margins of the UN Convention on Biological Diversity’s 16th Conference of the Parties (COP16). 

During the event, governments will announce the latest signatures and ratifications of the new UN High Seas Treaty to protect biodiversity in areas beyond national jurisdiction (BBNJ), and call for accelerated action by nations to secure the 60 ratifications needed for the Treaty to enter into force by the UN Ocean Conference in June 2025. Together with philanthropic organizations, they will also launch a series of new initiatives to fast-track the Treaty’s implementation, including a significant new funding pledge, a High Seas marine protected area (MPA) Accelerator, a government leadership collaborative, and a high-level influencers group to promote High Seas MPA action.

IN BRIEF - Kien Giang continues to take firm stand against IUU fishing

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

The Standing Board of the Party Committee of southern Kien Giang province has called for strengthening the Party's leadership in the fight against illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing, part of a broader national effort to have the “yellow card” warning lifted by the European Commission (EC).

Leaders of local administrations, departments and agencies who have shown negligence in addressing IUU fishing will face strict penalties.

To ensure compliance, the province will intensify inspecting and monitoring the use of the vessel monitoring systems (VMS) on fishing vessels to guarantee that they operate round the clock, thoroughly deal with the vessels without registration, examination or licence, complete updating the fisheries database, boost seafood origin tracing via the eCDT software, and closely monitor vessels operating at fishery ports.

Since the start of this year, Kien Giang has recorded 10 cases involving 14 fishing vessels violating foreign waters for illegal fishing. Over 1,330 instances of fishing vessels losing connection signals from their VMS at sea have been identified.

The Standing Board attributed the problem to not only fishermen's limited awareness but also some Party committees, organisations, administrations, and officials' lack of responsibility or strong actions in the IUU fishing combat.

IN BRIEF - China to Resume Imports of Japanese Nishikigoi Carp

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Tokyo — China has approved the resumption of ornamental nishikigoi carp imports from select Japanese aquaculture facilities, following a months-long suspension.

The export of nishikigoi carp from Japan to China had been halted since November last year after Beijing failed to renew the necessary import permits. To resume trade, China is now requiring Japanese exporters to register their aquaculture facilities in advance, as the previous registrations expired at the end of October 2023.

Following negotiations between the two governments, Japan's Fisheries Ministry announced that China has agreed to re-register six aquaculture facilities located in Niigata, Fukuoka, and Hiroshima prefectures.

This development comes after China relaxed its ban on Japanese fishery imports last month. The ban had been in place since Japan began discharging treated water containing tritium from the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant into the Pacific Ocean in August last year.

Source: The Jiji Press

Other Media | SalmonBusiness: Peru increases quota for anchovy fishing season

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

The Peruvian Ministry of Production (PRODUCE) has announced the start of the second anchovy fishing season in the North-Center region, set to begin on November 1, 2024.

The quota for the season has been set at 2.51 million tons, marking an increase from the previous two seasons—2.283 million tons in 2022 and 1.682 million tons in 2023.

Minister of Production Sergio Gonzalez Guerrero highlighted the economic impact of the season.

Source: SalmonBusiness l  Read the full article here


Other Media | SeafoodSource: UK seafood industry waiting on a bounce back after Covid, Brexit losses

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Four years on from the Covid-19 pandemic and Brexit, the U.K. seafood industry is still roughly GBP 1 billion (USD 1.3 billion, EUR 1.2 billion) behind where it was in 2019. 

Prior to the U.K. officially leaving the European Union in early 2020, government officials promised seafood sector growth would continue to be supported. Despite the promises, multiple aspects of the industry are struggling, with some calling on the government for additional help as challenges continue to undermine the segment.

Author: Chris Chase / SeafoodSource l  Read the full article here


Other Media | Fish Focus: Guayaquil hosts the most important shrimp event in the continent

Wednesday, October 23, 2024


In the Baquerizo Moreno hall of the Guayaquil Convention Centre, the official start of this aquaculture event of worldwide relevance took place. The board of directors was composed of prominent representatives from the government and diplomatic spheres, such as Luis Alberto Jaramillo, Minister of Production, Foreign Trade, Investment and Fisheries; Jekaterina Dorodnova, Ambassador of the European Union in Ecuador; Mary Fisk-Ridder, Consul of the United States; Fang Hao, Economic and Commercial Counsellor of the Embassy of China; Marcelo Vélez, President of the Board of Directors of the National Chamber of Aquaculture (CNA), and José Antonio Camposano, Executive President of the CNA. 

Source: Fish Focus l  Read the full article here


Other Media | Faro de Vigo: Anfaco, Anicp and unions, against unfair competition in canned food

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

The Spanish and Portuguese employers' associations will sign a joint declaration with UGT and FAI CISL (Italy) to «safeguard» the European industry

The Spanish canned food employers' association Anfaco-Cecopesca and Anicp (the Associação Nacional dos Industriais de Conservas de Peixe, its counterpart in the neighbouring country) will sign this Thursday with the unions UGT-FICA and UGT (from Spain and Portugal respectively) as well as FAI CISL (Italy) a joint declaration 

Source: Faro de Vigo l Read the full article here

Other Media | La Voz de Galicia: Pescanova's former parent company diluted to 0.21% of the fishing group's capital

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

The old company Pescanova SA, which has no activity, closed the third quarter with 85,000 euros of losses and in a situation of bankruptcy

The company Pescanova S.A, the former parent company of the current Nueva Pescanova, diluted to 0.21% within the group's capital, has closed the third quarter of its fiscal year (from June to August 2024) with a net loss of 85,000 euros, in contrast to the 551,000 euros of losses recorded in the same period of the previous year.

Author: M. sío dopeso / La Voz de Galicia l Read the full article here

IN BRIEF - Launch of the photobook 'Women of the Sea in Aysén'

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

The launch of the digital photobook Women of the Sea, Coast and Islands of the Aysén Region was held in the Aysén Region, with the presence of local and regional authorities, as well as female fishermen.
This book portrays the stories of women who have made fishing their vocation and source of livelihood. During the event, tribute was paid to the protagonists of the photographs.
Gonzalo Pereira, Director of the Fisheries Development Institute, highlighted the importance of fishing as an ancient trade and highlighted the essential role of women in keeping these traditions alive. The photobook is a tribute to their courage and dedication, capturing not only their work, but also the essence of those who defy the adverse conditions of the sea to support their families.
The author of the book, Dr. Alejandra Lafon, a marine biologist and photographer, commented that the work seeks to make visible the female participation in artisanal fishing, from Melinka to Caleta Tortel. Dedicated to all the women of the sea, the book arose from her desire to show the strong link of these women with the ocean and their daily work. "This book was created spontaneously, rooted in my contact with the fishing activity and desire to make visible their feminine side, to show their work and strong link with the sea," said its author.

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Russian Federation
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Russian fishermen caught more than 4.1 million tons
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Opinion: 'Global tuna giant FCF fails to act on shocking environmental and human rights breaches in its supply chain, investigation finds'
Russian Federation
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IN BRIEF - Russian Fleet modernization in action: new crab catcher 'Sergey Prikhodko' arrives in the Far East
Oct 24, 00:00 (GMT + 9):
IN BRIEF - Governor Vidal opens the ports of Santa Cruz to a Chinese company operating in mile 201
Viet Nam
Oct 23, 09:00 (GMT + 9):
Skipjack Tuna Prices Plummet, Leaving Fishermen Struggling
Oct 23, 08:00 (GMT + 9):
PRODUCE: The Second Season of Anchoveta in the North-Central Zone Will Have a Quota of 2.51 Million Tons
Oct 23, 07:00 (GMT + 9):
Fishing sector launches campaign to support consumers in demanding VAT reduction
Oct 23, 06:00 (GMT + 9):
Portugal advocates increasing bigeye tuna fishing quotas
Oct 23, 04:40 (GMT + 9):
IN BRIEF - New funding and initiatives to protect high seas biodiversity to be announced at high level event
Viet Nam
Oct 23, 03:00 (GMT + 9):
IN BRIEF - Kien Giang continues to take firm stand against IUU fishing
Oct 23, 01:00 (GMT + 9):
FACOPE Launches First Campaign to Promote Fishing Activities and Products
Oct 23, 00:10 (GMT + 9):
IN BRIEF - China to Resume Imports of Japanese Nishikigoi Carp
Oct 23, 00:10 (GMT + 9):
Positive Trends in Argentine Fishing Exports for September

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Maruha Nichiro Corporation
Nichirei Corporation - Headquarters
Pesquera El Golfo S.A.
Ventisqueros - Productos del Mar Ventisqueros S.A
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Natori Co., Ltd.
Carrefour Supermarket - Headquarters
FedEx Corporation - Headquarters
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Seafood Choices Alliance -Headquarter-
Austevoll Seafood ASA
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