Photo: Based on an illustration by Marissela Pozada-Herrera
PRODUCE: The Second Season of Anchoveta in the North-Central Zone Will Have a Quota of 2.51 Million Tons
(PERU, 10/23/2024)
This quota ranks as the third highest for the second seasons of anchoveta in the last decade.
La temporada comenzará el próximo 1 de noviembre de 2024 y se estima que tendrá un impacto económico de 1,349 millones de dólares en divisas.
The season will begin on November 1, 2024, and is expected to have an economic impact of $1.349 billion in foreign currency.
Following a rigorous scientific evaluation conducted by IMARPE, the Ministry of Production (PRODUCE) has established a quota of 2.51 million tons for the second season of anchoveta fishing in the North-Central coastal zone of Peru.
Through Ministerial Resolution No. 000419-2024-PRODUCE, published in the newspaper El Peruano, it was specified that this season will officially start on November 1, 2024, and will end when the Total Allowable Catch Limit (LMTCP) for the North-Central Zone is reached or, alternatively, when IMARPE recommends it due to environmental or biological circumstances.
Sergio González Guerrero, head of PRODUCE, emphasized that this quota is the third highest in the last decade in terms of estimated quotas for the second season.
"Economically, it will represent more than $1.3 billion in foreign currency, based on a commodity like anchoveta, which is intended for indirect human consumption and stimulates one of the country's most productive and efficient industries: fishmeal and fish oil," he stated.
"With this outcome, we will contribute to achieving the expected growth targets for the country by the end of 2024. Fishing plays a crucial role in driving the 3.1% growth of the national economy, and throughout this year, it has been a key player,", he added.
Finally, he mentioned that around 700 fishing vessels (300 steel and 400 wooden) with fishing permits are expected to participate in this season, with landings at various coastal locations contributing to the improvement of the regional economy.
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