Argentine Continental Shelf. (Image: Cancillería)
Argentina's continental shelf expands 35%, after UN’s ruling
(ARGENTINA, 3/29/2016)
The Foreign Ministry on Monday officially presented the new outer limit of the Argentina’s Continental Shelf, which, following a ruling by the United Nations Organization (UN), includes 1.7 million square metres, 35 per cent more than the current surface.
With this expansion, the surface of the platform is now equivalent to about 48 per cent of Argentina’s emerged territory.
"This is a historic occasion for Argentina as we have taken a big step in the delineation of the outer limits of our continental shelf: the longest limit in Argentina and our border with humanity," said Foreign Minister Susana Malcorra through a video played at the beginning of the ceremony (because she is away on an official trip).
According to the Government, the new limit "reaffirms the rights of sovereignty" of the country in the South Atlantic, a "politically, economically and strategically important area."
"In this way our sovereign rights over the resources of our continental shelf are reaffirmed: minerals, hydrocarbons and sedentary species," explained the chancellor.
Malcorra added: "The Committee on the Outer Limit of the Continental Shelf, composed of 21 international renowned experts, created by the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, adopted by consensus, that is without a single vote against it, Recommendations on Argentine Presentation. They have recognized the Argentine case as a 'leading case' ".
"It is a significant achievement of the foreign policy of Argentina through a true State policy," she pointed out.
For his part, Deputy Foreign Minister Carlos Foradori, who chaired the presentation panel at San Martin Palace said: "This is, ultimately, a factory building sovereignty, quietly, constantly, permanently. And I want to highlight that it has been a policy that was carried out per design and not by accident. This policy was carried out even in the most difficult times in our economic history".
"No one can claim this as their own: it is the work of all the Argentine people (...) It's really important what has happened; that is the conclusion of historical work, joint work, in which all of us, Argentineans, must feel proud. And it also involves the union of all the Argentine people," said Deputy Foreign Minister.
The expanded platform includes the Falkland Islands (Malvinas), whose sovereignty is disputed by Argentina with the Government of the United Kingdom.
According to the British newspaper The Guardian, the Government of the Falkland Islands said on Monday it was seeking clarification from the British government on decisions that have been taken -- if any -- and on the possible consequences that could exist for the territory in relation to the UN resolution.
"As soon as we have any firm information we will make it available," said Mike Summers, president of the Legislative Assembly of the Falkland Islands, in an email sent to The Guardian.
"Our understanding has always been that the UN would not make any determination on applications for continental shelf extension in areas where there are competing claims," he added.
Until yesterday, the British Government had made no comment, according to the British newspaper.
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