GlobalGAP pre-farm gate standards for aquaculture are recognised by the Global Food Safety Initiative. (Photo: GlobalGAP)
GlobalGAP releases Version 4 standard
(WORLDWIDE, 5/6/2011)
A new standard now offers any aquaculture operation in the world a chance to show its good practices across major categories by applying for the GlobalGAP Aquaculture Certification. The standard resulted from a four-year intensive revision work for the Aquaculture Scope and applies to any finfish, crustacean or mollusc farming activity.
GlobalGAP is an NGO that establishes voluntary standards for the certification of agricultural products worldwide. Its Aquaculture Version 4 came about through public consultations with more than 500 comments from stakeholders representing 116 organisations worldwide including certification bodies, retailers, research centres, universities, NGOs, suppliers, farmers and GlobalGAP National Technical Working Groups for Aquaculture.
With food safety as a main priority, the standard entails key criteria also identified for environmental measures with animal welfare and worker welfare. The element of traceability spans all stages from broodstock, seedlings, on-grown farm and post harvest handling operations.
The scope coverage and auditing activities also include compound feed supplied to aquaculture farms.
GlobalGAP pre-farm gate standards for aquaculture are recognised by the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI), which constitutes a unique global acknowledgment for the sector.
GlobalGAP Aquaculture Version 4 certification (Graph: GLOBALG.A.P) |
The Guidelines on Aquaculture Certification of the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) from the initial drafts up to the recently launched version this year were referenced for the Version 4 revision of the GlobalGAP Aquaculture.
Further, the assessment offered by the green group Greenpeace regarding environmental criteria for Version 3 is now reflected in Version 4.
The International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) tailored criteria for Protected Areas, which was originally launched for the Shrimp Standard but is now applicable for all species whose farmers may seek GlobalGAP Aquaculture Certification.
Further, a voluntary add-on module for farms wishing to demonstrate risk-based assessment on social practices at the farm level can rely on the GlobalGAP Risk Assessment on Social Practice (GRASP).
Abiding by the standard will allow farmers to place a GlobalGAP Number (GGN) followed by the 13 digit number on packaging for the final consumer to be able to do an instant search on certified status via the NGO’s website.
GlobalGAP Aquaculture has thus far approved 15 Accredited Certification Bodies, worldwide, with 22 certified countries in Asia, Latin America, Africa and Europe.
Benchmarked schemes also receive the benefit of ongoing performance monitoring through the GlobalGAP Integrity Program.
The private salmon scheme of Chile -- SalmonGAP – has become the first recognised aquaculture scheme on this sector.
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By Natalia Real
[email protected]
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