Image: Embrapa Amazônia Ocidental (AM)
Sorghum is able to reduce feed costs and control parasites in tambaqui
(BRAZIL, 11/7/2022)
- Use of the cereal opens the possibility for the treatment of parasites in fish without the use of chemicals.
- The use of sorghum also helps to reduce the main production cost of fish farms: food
- Cheaper than corn, sorghum is an option to replace more expensive feed ingredients in fish farms in the Amazon
- The researchers proved that high tannin sorghum can be used in diets for tambaquis with up to 45% inclusion in the formulation.
Research results carried out at Embrapa Amazônia Ocidental (AM) indicate that the inclusion of 40% of low-tannin sorghum in the diet made the feed for tambaqui ( Colossoma macropomum ) more economical, without compromising fish growth. This study also showed that the diet with high tannin sorghum provided a significant reduction and control of the parasites that affect the creation of this fish. The objective of the research was to reduce feed costs and control the parasites that affect the creation of tambaqui, the native species most produced in fish farming in Brazil.
In the evaluation of experimental diets, the results with sorghum with high tannin indicate a reduction of 44% in acanthocephalans and 83% in monogeneans. These parasites represent important problems that affect breeding and reduce production in fish farming. “The values obtained in the research are considered promising for the search for ingredients that associate the nutrition and health of fish, without the use of chemicals and without compromising the quality of the fish”, declares the researcher Cheila Boijink , from Embrapa, who develops research in fish health and coordinated the study through the project “Evaluation of tannins in diets for tambaqui juveniles in the control of helminths and zootechnical performance”.
The research project was carried out from 2019 to 2021, with financial support from the Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Amazonas ( Fapeam ). In the study, tannins were evaluated in hydrolyzable (tannic acid) and condensed (high-tannin sorghum) forms, in order to identify whether they have anthelmintic action and do not impair animal acceptance and zootechnical performance.
Natural anti-parasitic product
The use of plant sources in fish feed has increased in recent years in order to meet the demand for feed and sustain the development of aquaculture production. One of the alternatives is the use of plant-derived compounds, due to little or no side effects on fish and the environment and which is a more sustainable agricultural practice. Natural products, with known antiparasitic properties, are considered a potential alternative, and among these compounds is tannin, present in several plants such as sorghum.
According to Boijink, the results obtained show that tannins are efficient for the control of helminths, and can be used in feed as a natural alternative ingredient, without harming animal performance. This line of research has already been developed by researchers from Embrapa Amazônia Ocidental, who previously proved that another source of tannin, banana residues, is also efficient in controlling helminths in tambaqui.
In search of alternative ingredients
As the feeding of fish in fish farming corresponds to about 70% of the total production costs, research by Embrapa Amazônia Ocidental has been looking for alternatives based on the evaluation of unconventional ingredients in the state of Amazonas that can reduce the cost of feed for tambaqui. “With a more economical diet, at the end of the cycle, the costs will be lower than those of a production with the use of conventional rations based on soybean meal and corn, commodities that have a high fluctuation in value in the international market. In addition, Amazonas obtains a significant part of ingredients and feed from neighboring states, which further burdens the Amazonian fish farmer, who pays for the logistical cost of obtaining it”, explains researcher Jony Dairiki ,from Embrapa, which works in Nutrition and Feeding of aquaculture species in the Amazon, and participated in the research.
Dairiki notes that sorghum ( Sorghum bicolor ) is an energy ingredient of plant origin, with a composition similar to corn, however, it is a food with a lower production cost compared to corn. Therefore, sorghum was chosen for evaluation as a raw material option, considering that the cost of the feed could be lower with the greater inclusion of sorghum in the fish diet.
The researcher informs that sorghum stands out for its rusticity, possibility of cultivation in the off-season and in soils that are poorer in fertility and with water deficit. The sorghum plant produces grains and dry matter for forage composition that contribute to animal feed, and tannin is a natural chemical in sorghum grain.
The research identified that the use of low-tannin sorghum for the nutrition of tambaqui juveniles instead of corn provided a reduction of 27.4% in the cost of food when the level of inclusion of this ingredient was 40%.
Another important finding is that high tannin sorghum can be used in diets for tambaquis with up to 45% inclusion in the formulation, without any adverse effect on animal performance, in a period of up to 45 days. The researchers add that further studies with animals for fattening and with a longer experimental period need to be carried out to complement the research, in addition to the important validation in local fish farms. (continues...)
Author/Source: Síglia Souza / Embrapa Western Amazon | Read the full article by clicking the link here (only available in portuguese)
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