Photo: courtesy Faro de Vigo
Crew of a Galician fishing trawler, confined in Brazil by a covid outbreak
(BRAZIL, 2/8/2021)
The crew of the Galician trawler Venturer, anchored in Brazilian waters, is confined on board by an outbreak of covid-19, as reported this Friday by the CIG-Mar, which asks governments Galicia and Spain to act to ensure their well-being.
The ship, based in the Port of Vigo, left the Galician city on January 14 with 64 crew members on board to fish in the Falkland's fishing ground.
Before their departure, the crew members underwent covid tests, in which two workers tested positive, for which they had to stay ashore, while the rest spent a week in quarantine and confinement in a hotel.
Ten days after setting sail, several of the crew began to feel unwell, with symptoms compatible with covid-19, so the ship's captain contacted the Madrid radiomedical center before heading to Salvador de Bahía, where they arrived on January 28.
Since then, they have remained at anchor without being able to disembark, except for five of them, who were transferred to hospital centers given the severity of their symptoms, explains the CIG, which indicates that half of the crew present symptoms compatible with coronavirus infection.
Faced with this situation, the CIG criticizes that no administration has been interested in the crew and that their families have not heard until today from Pescapuerta, the Galician business group to which the vessel belongs.
"The only thing that was known was because some of the crew members were able to contact their relatives," says Xavier Aboi, the head of the CIG-Mar.
The union demands that the Xunta de Galicia and the central government "get to work at once" to find out exactly what is happening with the embarked ones, and urge the company to "stop hiding information" and to put in contact with the crew with their families.
The CIG speaks of "lack of diligence" on the part of the administrations, which it urges to negotiate with the Brazilian authorities the possibility that those affected receive the health care they need on land.
Source: agency EFE
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