Canned tuna manufactured by Frinsa. (Photo: Frinsa)
Frinsa becomes first Spanish canning firm in joining SFP
(SPAIN, 10/22/2014)
The Galician canning firm Frinsa became the first firm in Spain to join the Sustainable Fisheries Partnership (SFP), an NGO that promotes sustainable fisheries and the protection of the marine environment through the production chain.
Since its creation in 2006, the SFP offers its collaborators a range of tools for science-based information for identifying the risks associated with each fishery product and for monitoring their evolution while improvement measures are implemented in the fisheries of origin.
During the past 10 years, Frinsa has become one of Europe's largest canned tuna and seafood manufacturers. In 2013 this company -- located in the town Ribeira in A Coruña -- processed more than 100,000 tonnes of resources.
The company also claims to be the nation's largest operator of canned tuna and bonito caught with long-line.
Pedro Ferreiro, in charge of the programme of SFP Sustainable Markets in Spain, was excited "to be working with a company like Frinsa and start developing our work methodology in Spain."
"The sustainability of the fisheries and aquaculture sector is a concern shared by SFP and Frinsa, and together we can involve the entire supply chain in the implementation of real improvement measures," he said.
For his part, José Aller, Frinsa’s Sustainability director of the Northwest, said the agreement is "another significant step" in the company's commitment to accountability and sustainability.
"We make sure that all fishery and aquaculture products we process have the highest quality and sustainability standards of the market, and from now on working with SFP will allow us to redouble that effort," concluded Aller.
By Analia Murias
[email protected]
Information of the company:
Polígono Industrial de Xarás
A Coruña, Galicia (E-15969)
+34 981 83 50 05
+34 981 83 50 04
[email protected]
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