The biggest players in the sector are waiting to discuss the tuna fleet as a global food supplier and the consolidation of MSC and APR certifications
The strategic role of the Spanish tuna fleet in global food security will be the focus of the VI National Tuna Congress
(SPAIN, 10/2/2024)
The Fisheries Ministers of Seychelles and Ecuador will analyse the importance of cooperation to guarantee the sustainability of resources and the socio-economic development of coastal countries
Madrid - The strategic role of the Spanish purse seine tuna fleet as a supplier of a food of high nutritional quality and crucial to global food security will be the focus of the sixth edition of the National Tuna Congress, promoted by the Organisation of Associated Producers of Large Freezer Tuna Vessels (OPAGAC). The event, which will take place on 10 October in Madrid, will be closed by Luis Planas, Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food.
Luis Planas (centre) in the 2023 edition
This sixth edition will also address the key role of this fishery in the socio-economic development of countries highly dependent on this activity. To this end, it will organize a round table discussion with the participation of Jean-François Ferrari, Minister of Fisheries and Blue Economy of Seychelles, and Sonsoles García, Minister of Production, Foreign Trade, Investments and Fisheries of Ecuador.
Furthermore, national and international personalities and experts from the Administration, industry and the scientific community will explain the importance of guaranteeing a stable, accessible and responsible supply of an essential protein such as tuna, which represents approximately 20% of the total value of global maritime fishing and more than 8% of the seafood products sold in the world, according to the FAO.
According to Julio Morón, managing director of OPAGAC, “this edition we want to focus on the fact that only by guaranteeing the competitiveness of fleets that are responsible, from an environmental, social and control point of view, such as the Spanish tuna fleet, will we be able to face the challenge of providing a high quality protein in a globalised market marked by the growth of the world population, the growing demand for nutritious and sustainable foods and the high dependence on tuna fishing for the nutritional well-being and socio-economic development of numerous coastal countries.”
The conference will also deal with the progress of this fishery in terms of certification of the comprehensive sustainability of its activity with the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) and Responsible Tuna Fishing (APR) seals from AENOR. For their part, medical and scientific professionals will delve into the benefits of tuna consumption for health, as well as the low water and carbon footprint required for the production of this food.
Foto de la edición del 2023
In parallel to the programme of presentations, the VI National Tuna Congress will offer attendees the opportunity to participate in parallel activities, including a virtual visit to the vessels of the fleet of purse seiners that make up OPAGAC and the screening of the trailer for the documentary ‘1.17’. This film takes the viewer on board the tuna purse seiner Itsas Txori to show, from land, sea and air, the reality of an activity committed to the protection of the marine environment and its resources, its socio-economic importance and its human component.
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