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Image: Fisker Forum / FIS
Seafood Scotland CEO joins four-nations Council to boost UK food and drink exports
(UNITED KINGDOM, 1/27/2023)
As the Department for International Trade launches its Food and Drink Export Council, Seafood Scotland chief executive Donna Fordyce is participating as a founding member to represent Scottish fish and shellfish industry.
Image: Seafood Scotland / FIS
The Food and Drink Export Council has been established following a recommendation from the Trade and Agricultural Commission, bringing together UK Government, the devolved administrations and industry. It aims for a collaborative approach that harnesses expertise and resource from government and industry across the UK in a collective endeavour to increase agriculture, food and drink exports.
As the national trade and marketing body for the Scottish seafood industry, Seafood Scotland’s remit includes wild caught fish and shellfish and farm-raised species such as salmon and trout. It is funded by the Scottish Government (Marine Scotland) and offers support to the whole industry without cost. Seafood Scotand’s focus is on engagement with the seafood supply chain, rather than on direct-to-consumer activities.
‘Premium Scottish seafood is highly prized in many key markets around the world so I am honoured to be able to contribute to this new Council which is very much focussed on actions,’Donna Fordyce said.
‘By collaborating and sharing expertise, we can support food and drink producers across the UK to not only increase exports to existing markets but to identify new opportunities too.’
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