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Southwest Atlantic Squid Index: Illex Squid (Illex Argentinus)

CHINA | Friday, September 20, 2024
In order to continuously enhance the ability to control squid resources and price infl...


Russian Pollock Association and X5 Group Partner to Boost Domestic Fis
Russian Federation | 06:00 | At the International Fishery Forum in St. Petersburg, the Russian Pollock Association and ... Full Story
Fishing sector welcomes EC proposal to combat illegal fishing by third
European Union | 00:10 |   It will give the EU authority to impose restrictions on offending countr... Full Story
All sub-areas have been closed in Argentina for shrimp fishing
Argentina | 00:10 | The shrimp market at the end of the season Yesterday all the sub-areas were closed for sh... Full Story
Falkland celebrates Patagonian Toothfish Month
The Falkland Islands fishing company, Consolidated Fisheries Ltd, celebrates the benefits ...
Kura Sushi's largest store ever to open at the 2025 Osaka Kansai Expo!
Enjoy food from all over the world on a rotating belt that's fun to look at and eat! A ...
Nissui's new ship 'Daihachi Koyo Maru' for Tokai Fisheries
A subsidiary of Kyowa Suisan, a Nissui Group company, sets out on its first fishing expedi...
ACEL Group enters into a historic double contract with Artec Aqua
The ACEL Group is in a hectic period with high activity and strong order intake across the...
There is only one subarea left authorized for shrimp fishing
Argentina On Saturday afternoon, the decision was made to close Subarea 7 as of midnight on Sunday, which was communicated to the entire fleet. According to Revista Puerto, it was indicated that if the data on ...
Should the regulation of capelin fishing be changed?
Norway The Directorate of Fisheries will investigate whether the coastal fleet's capelin fishing in the Barents Sea should be regulated differently than at present.   The Ministry of Trade and Fisheri...
Unions demand the resignation of the Minister of Production for failure to keep promises and the uncontrolled presence of the Chinese squid fleet
Peru Piura Regional Government demands resignation of minister after collapse of squid fishery and unprecedented food crisis On Tuesday, September 17, convened by the Regional Government of Piura, the mai...
Russian Fisheries Adapt to Sanctions by Seeking New Markets and Opportunities
Russia Fed. As the sanctions against Russia intensify due to the war in Ukraine, the country's fishing industry is grappling with significant challenges. Ilya Rakovsky, chairman of the Karelian Fisheries Union,...