Liberman denies predation and illegal fishing in the South Atlantic
Friday, March 31, 2023, 01:00 (GMT + 9)
After the repercussion of the overflight of mile 200 in the Argentine Sea in a flight piloted by Enrique Piñeyro, the Undersecretary of Fisheries and Aquaculture of the Nation, Carlos Liberman, declared in an interview that there is no such "predation" and illegal fishing in the South Atlantic.
In a dialogue with FM Masters radio, Liberman clarified that this is "totally and absolutely false" information since "what is being sought from a sector of the opposition is to sell Argentines that our State cannot control its sovereignty over the waters. This is information that generates a high level of confusion and that distorts the problem we are talking about, ” he emphasized.
Carlos Liberman, Undersecretary of Fisheries and Aquaculture of the Nation. Source: Financial Area
During the past week, journalists had a flight with Piñeyro where they denounced illegal fishing in the South Atlantic and how the foreign banks at mile 200 that devastate maritime resources became a "city in the middle of the water", agree with the comments. The private flight was Solidaire 19-3, which, aboard a Boeing 787, departed last Sunday, March 19 to “reach the so-called mile 200, the limit between the Argentine sea and international waters, heading south and flying over the area during the night period to be able to spot the enormous number of foreign boats, mostly Chinese, that are located at mile 201 and illegally enter the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) to fish”, in the words of the journalist in charge of the news.
In this context, the national official pointed out that although "at mile 201, beyond our Exclusive Economic Zone (ZEE) there are usually a large number of vessels of various nationalities, not only Asian but also European, that fish in the mile 201 onwards, it happens that the Argentine State would violate International Law and its own National Fishing Law if it goes out to capture vessels beyond mile 200”. In addition, he emphasized that foreign ships have not been captured within 200 miles of Argentine waters since 2020, where three ships (two Chinese and one Portuguese) were captured at mile 199.
Photo: PNA
Liberman sought to highlight the number of tools that the Argentine State has to prevent illegal fishing in national waters, stating that "all our resources and all our controls are focused on preventing this type of situation or punishing it if it occurs." . He added that the State has "Navy ships, Prefecture ships, planes, satellite images, ground and on-board radars, a set of tools with which the Prefecture controls our exclusive economic zone every day and publishes every day. the information in this regard that is available to all Argentines on the website."
He concluded by noting that "coast guard ships detect 50 miles away when foreign ships cross mile 200" so that if any ship illegally crosses the EEZ "it will be detected and shortly after it will be reached by Navy ships, which also They move faster than fishing boats. He also highlighted that in the last three years, the Argentine Navy incorporated four ships for these operations and that the Fishing Law was also recently modified to "increase the sanctions for any ship that dares to enter our waters illegally". , a project that "was voted against by the same sector of the opposition that today claims for alleged illegal fishing and depredation of the South Atlantic," he clarified.
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