The Circle of Environmental Policies promotes the strengthening of the environmental policy agenda through research, dissemination, training and the promotion of regulations that promote the protection of ecosystems, sustainable development and the fight against climate change.
A society in which the political and business sectors are aware of and committed to the environmental challenges of our time, and with informed and active citizens and consumers.
- Investigate, process, produce, analyze, facilitate and disseminate data and information related to the protection of ecosystems, the circular economy, the development of renewable energy sources and climate change.
- Create spaces for debate and promote legislation, public policies and management strategies in environmental matters at national and local levels.
- Provide training on environmental management and public policies.
- Collaborate with other public or private organizations to incorporate the environmental agenda in their practices and actions.
- Act as an articulator of spaces for debate between different sectors / social actors in the area of ??sustainable development and protection of the environment.
- Promote awareness actions on environmental protection and sustainable development.
PRODUCE Implements New Measures for Sustainable Squid Fishing Peru
The provisions aim to safeguard sustainable resource extraction and support over 14,000 artisanal fishermen nationwide
New measures have been approved by the Ministry of Production (PRODUCE) in Peru ...
Danish Fisheries Association Calls for Development, Not Dismantling Denmark
The Danish Fisheries Association (DFPO) welcomes the government's proposed CO2 tax compensation for the fishing industry, acknowledging the lack of viable climate-neutral fuel alternatives before ...
Atlanto Scandian herring season for Scottish fleet gets underway United Kingdom
The Atlanto Scandian herring season for the Scottish fleet is now underway, with the quota this year marginally up by three per cent, although the UK has only two per cent of the overall total allowab...
Peru Protects Artisanal Squid Fishing, Targets MSC Certification Peru
A recent study published in the journal Nature, titled "Illuminating the multidimensional contributions of small-scale fisheries," highlights the critical role of artisanal fishing in food s...
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