This study presents the results of a Meta-analysis of the efficacy of the feed additive Novacq in Pacific white shrimp, in a joint research effort bet
Meta-analysis of the feed additive Novacq in Pacific white shrimp diets
Wednesday, June 07, 2023, 01:00 (GMT + 9)
The following is an excerpt from an article published by Responsible Seafood Advocate:
Viet-Uc and CSIRO collaboration demonstrates that the product outperformed a control diet in both shrimp growth and survival
Viet-Uc Seafood Corporation (Viet-Uc) is an important shrimp aquaculture company with involvement in the whole production value chain and is particularly dominant in the production of postlarvae of Pacific white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) in Vietnam.
View of the experimental feeds manufactured for and tested in this study (Responsible Seafood Advocate)
Over the last seven years, Viet-Uc has developed aquaculture nutrition capability to develop sustainable shrimp feeds. Central to this strategy is NovacqTM, a microbial biomass additive developed by Australia’s Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) that enhances shrimp growth, feed efficiency and overall health. Novacq was produced and assessed in Vietnam by Viet Uc.
View of the tanks used in the study (Responsible Seafood Advocate) -->
Since 2017, Viet-Uc and the CSIRO Aquaculture Nutrition and Production Systems group have been collaborating with Viet-Uc to understand the efficacy of this additive in L. vannamei nutrition. Until then, most of the published research on its efficacy relates to studies on black tiger shrimp (Penaeus monodon). Its effect across various life stages (e.g., postlarvae, juvenile and broodstock) and feed formulations (e.g., plant-based, low protein and low marine-origin ingredients) through its application as a strategic feed additive has shown improvements in feed intake, nutrient retention efficiencies, digestive physiology (e.g., nutrient absorption, gut transit microbiome) and immune response.
Most shrimp nutrition research is constrained, as experiments are conducted in small tanks over short periods (e.g., six weeks) in clear water and controlled conditions to ensure the results only reflect dietary treatments. However, the findings from these experiments do not always translate to commercial environments due to the large differences in culture conditions and farming practices. To help address these deficiencies, pilot-scale systems were developed to obtain more commercially relevant results whereby the effect of diets could be assessed throughout a harvest cycle (post-larvae to harvest size over a period of 13 weeks) and in larger culture systems (7-cubic-meter cement raceways). Use of pilot trials enables our research to investigate the efficacy of additives like NovacqTM under conditions that better mimic commercial conditions.
<-- Testing the coloration of the shrimp harvested (Responsible Seafood Advocate)
This article reports on the results of several years of research into the efficacy of Viet-Uc-produced Novacq when fed to L. vannamei shrimp using both small experimental tank and pilot-scale trials, with a focus on fostering industry adoption.[continues...]
Authors / Source: Artur Rombenso, Ph.D. Minh Hoang Duong Barney Hines Le Thi Cam Nhung Ha Truong, Ph.D. Nicholas Bourne Tùng Mã Cedric Simon, Ph.D. / Responsible Seafood Advocate | Read the full article by clicking the link here
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