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Image: Organización Internacional Agropecuaria (OIA) report

Argentine Red Shrimp Coastal Trawling Fishery in Chubut Province Poised for MSC Certification

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Thursday, January 23, 2025, 07:00 (GMT + 9)

Public Comment Draft Report from the Organización Internacional Agropecuaria (OIA)

FISHERY NAME: Initial Assessment Certification

The fishing companies Achernar S.A.S., Agropez S.A., Cabo Virgenes S.R.L., Consermar S.R.L., Food Partners Patagonia S.A., Greciamar S.A., Iberconsa de Argentina S.A., La Escalerona S.A., and Pesquera Veraz S.A. have partnered with CEDEPESCA to engage Organizacion Internacional Agropecuaria (OIA) in conducting an independent certification process for the Argentine Red Shrimp (Pleoticus muelleri) coastal trawling fishery in the waters of Chubut Province, in line with the MSC Fisheries Certification Process.

It is noteworthy that the fishery has been part of Fishery Improvement Projects (FIPs) since July 2015, with the goal of achieving a certifiable status under the MSC standard. The assessment against the MSC Fisheries Standard v2.01 focuses on three key principles: Principle 1 assesses the stock status; Principle 2 examines the environmental impact of the Unit of Assessment (UoA), considering cumulative effects from other overlapping fisheries; and Principle 3 looks at the overall management of both the target stock and the UoA, supported by an effective policy framework.

The assessment team, led by Eng. Pedro A. Landa (Fishery Team Leader), with expert contributions from MSc. Pedro De Carli (Principle 1), Eng. Denise Bore (Principle 2), Eng. Edith Saa Collantes (Principle 3), and Eng. Carolina Medina Foucher, conducted a desk-based review of available data provided in the Client Document Checklist and the pre-assessment report (2015). Based on this information, the team drafted scoring ranges and rationales for all Performance Indicators (PIs) and identified relevant information gaps. Where limited data was available, the team adopted a precautionary approach, ensuring that scores did not exceed the range of 60-79. The results of this review were compiled into the Announcement Comment Draft Report (ACDR), highlighting key issues for further investigation.

 Space distributions of Pleoticus muelleri mature and ovigerous females: a. Historic (1998-2012), b. Present (2013-2018) (Source: Allega et al., 2020). 

The report allowed the client group to assess the fishery's status and the likely outcome of the initial assessment. Following this, the client group opted to proceed with the assessment and publicly announced the fishery certification process on March 6, 2024. The announcement noted the use of the RBF methodology for specific PIs (1.1.1, 2.2.1, and 2.4.1), with no changes made to the assessment tree. Over the 60-day fishery announcement period, no written submissions were received via the MSC Template for Stakeholder Input into Fishery Assessments.

A site visit was conducted from May 13-17, 2024, to collect information to support rationales and conduct RBF during stakeholder meetings. Stakeholder interviews were used to gather additional insights.

Evolution of annual landings (tons) declared from 1950 to 2023.

During these meetings, only one concern regarding traceability was raised (see section 11.4 Stakeholder Input). As only publicly available information before or during the site visit is considered for scoring, the team agreed with stakeholders that further information could be shared up to 30 days after the site visit. For more details, refer to section 11.2.3 Evaluation Techniques. Following the site visit, the team compiled and analyzed all relevant information, scoring the fishery accordingly. Six PIs related to harvest control rules and tools, ETP species outcomes, ETP species management strategy, habitat outcomes, habitat monitoring, and compliance & enforcement were scored below 80. The team set conditions for each of these PIs, with the goal of achieving at least an 80 score during the certification period.

On September 25, 2024, OIA issued the Client and Peer Review Draft Report for the client group and selected peer reviewers to provide feedback. Reviewers used a template to submit their comments on each PI score, rationale, and conclusions. OIA addressed the issues raised by the peer reviewers and incorporated appropriate changes into the report. No changes were received from the client group. The client was given at least 60 days to prepare an Action Plan for conditions identified. Following the review process, a new condition was added related to PI 2.3.3, and OIA allowed an additional 30 days to include this condition in the action plan. Stakeholders now have at least 30 days to comment on the Public Comment Draft Report, which includes a draft recommendation to certify the fishery and responses to the peer reviewers' comments. This stage provides stakeholders with the opportunity to comment on any conditions and milestones set for the fishery, as well as the client's proposed actions to meet those conditions.

Restricted Fishing Effort Zone (ZEPR, in yellow) in waters under the jurisdiction of the Province of Chubut (Source: Gongora et al., 2020a). Click on the image to enlarge it. 

Main Strengths and Weaknesses

The Argentine red shrimp fishery operates in the Restricted Effort Fishing Zone (Zona de Esfuerzo Pesquero Restringido - ZEPR) in the Rawson area between October/November and March/April. This fishery, carried out by coastal chilling vessels under 21 meters in length, accounts for less than 30% of the total fishery landings. Additionally, the UoC area is smaller than the broader UoA, which constitutes the genetic stock of Argentine red shrimp in the Argentine Sea. The fishery has a notable socio-economic impact, particularly in terms of workforce needs for vessel crews and fishery processing factories.

The fishery management program includes an on-board monitoring program enforced by the government of Chubut Province, which provides periodic information for dynamically opening and closing fishing areas within ZEPR, based on reference limit points (SPCh Technical Report N° 3/2022). One key weakness is the periodic evaluation of biological reference limit points for managing the fishery, specifically the CPUE limit value, catch limits for juvenile specimens, and limits for mature and impregnated females. These become particularly important during the overlap between the fishery's summer season and the reproductive period.

Photo: courtesy Revista Puerto

Strengths related to Principle 2 include the availability of bycatch data through the Private On-Board Observer Program since 2015, clear management measures (CFP Resolution N° 7/2018), and measures for opening and closing ZEPR set by the Chubut Fisheries Secretary to secure the fishery's sustainability. However, areas for improvement include the lack of updated information on bycatch from the fleet, the absence of species-level identification for some benthic organisms, and a lack of a management strategy for secondary species.

For Principle 3, the fishery benefits from a strong legal framework at both the federal and provincial levels, which establishes management measures for sustainable fishing. The monitoring, control, and surveillance (MCS) mechanisms are adequate to ensure compliance with the regulations. However, the management system lacks explicit objectives aimed at achieving the desired outcomes outlined in MSC Principles 1 and 2. Additionally, the management system could benefit from mechanisms to evaluate all parts of the fishery and conduct periodic external reviews.

Photo: courtesy Revista Puerto

Conclusion reached by OIA

Based on the assessment, the draft recommendation is that the Argentine Red Shrimp (Pleoticus muelleri) Coastal Trawling Fishery in Chubut Province be certified according to MSC Principles and Criteria for Sustainable Fisheries. The assessment indicates no PI scores below 60, and no Principle scores below 80. The draft determination will be finalized during the Public Comment Draft Report stage.

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