Image: Norges Fiskarlag / FIS
The Directorate of Fisheries Seeks Clarification about participation in capelin fishing
Monday, February 12, 2024, 01:00 (GMT + 9)
All vessel owners in the coastal group are asked to clarify and report to the Norwegian pelagic fishermen's organization Norges Sildesalgslag if they have real plans to participate in fishing for capelin in the Barents Sea in 2024.
The Directorate of Fisheries asks all those who have signed up vessels in the coastal group in the fishing for capelin in the Barents Sea in 2024 in the coastal group to decide and report to the Herring Association whether they have real plans to participate in fishing for capelin in the Barents Sea.
Source: Stockfile FIS
In order to ensure an appropriate and good winding down of the fishing, it is crucial that owners with no intention of participating give notice of this as soon as possible.
The Directorate of Fisheries reminds that the vessel owner is responsible for ensuring that the vessel is suitable, manned and equipped for participation in capelin fishing.
The Directorate of Fisheries specifies that vessel owners can only participate with one vessel in the open fishing in the coastal group.
Rules for participant limitation
Source: SINTEF
Section 6 of the Participant Regulations provides the rules for participant restrictions in open groups:
- If the owner of a vessel participating in an open group also owns 50% or more of another vessel, both vessels cannot participate in fishing for capelin in the Barents Sea in 2024. The owner is the person who directly or indirectly owns more than 50% of the vessel.
- If no individual owns more than 50% of the vessel, it is decisive whether a group of individuals who together own more than 50% of the vessel also own more than 50% in the other vessel.
- If the owner of a vessel that participates in an open group is part of a group that collectively owns more than 50% of the vessel, and the ownership share is necessary for the vessel to meet the activity requirement in Section 6, second paragraph of the Participating Act, both vessels cannot participate in fishing for capelin in The Barents Sea in 2024.
Source: Fiskeridirektoratet (Translated from the original in Norwegian)
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