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Opinion: Chinese illegal fishing. The idiocy has no borders

Click on the flag for more information about Argentina ARGENTINA
Saturday, November 02, 2024, 20:00 (GMT + 9)

Idiot (from the Greek ἰδιώτης idiṓtēs) is a citizen who remains out of public life, a person who is not a scholar or participates in matters and interests of the community. There are many Argentine officials who could include them in this definition. Among them, those who want to open the ports of the national maritime coast to Chinese ships that illegally fish our fishery resources.
By the way, an initiative of this nature would attempt against political, economic, environmental, food, social and national defense sovereignty, being unconstitutional because it would require a prior agreement ratified by the Nation Congress by empire of art. 4th; 5; 21st to 23, 27th and 37th of Law 24,922 and, art. 6th of Law 24,093 of port activities and its application would damage the environment violating law 25,675 by promoting facilities to those who fish illegally affecting the marine ecosystem and the sustainability of fishery resources; That, in the case of fishing in Malvinas, the violation of the Res. 31/49 of the United Nations would be added.
In our article “China does not solve the Argentine problem, it comes for our resources” (22/2023) we are already referring to the fact that the Argentine Foreign Ministry and its devalued Secretariat of Malvinas is dedicated to enumerating the Argentine historical rights on the islands on the islands Without designing another policy than to cooperate without any counterpart from the United Kingdom of Great Britain and, at the same time, the Undersecretariat of Fisheries and the Federal Fisheries Council composed of provincial representatives, happily tolerates that a catate of idiots, irresponsible and uninformed, promotes The opening of the ports of the maritime coast to the fleets of the Chinese state that illegally fish our migratory fishing resources in exchange for colored mirror.
Illegal fishing not only causes economic, biological, environmental and social damages, but also generates violations in slave labor and drug trafficking; In addition, to undermine the sovereignty of the riverside states. Therefore, all this cannot be put on the balance and contrast it with the unfounded intention of generating some financial resources for the provinces provided by predative fishermen who, in addition, will not have any majority in relation to the million tons of migratory species originating from The Argentine Zee that annually extracts Chinese, Spanish, British, Koreans, Taiwanese, etc. for a FOB value of 4,320 million US $ 24,000 million in the final market (Central Market of Valencia, 11/22), to which 325,000 tons of fishery resources are added annually in the Malvinas Area with British illegal licenses, for a value of 1.5 billion US $ fob that, in the final trade, are transformed into about 9 billion/year. A political and economic irresponsibility.
Idiotez and political disability is not different from national and provincial officials, whatever their partisan membership.
First it was Montevideo who collaborates with illegal and British fishing in Malvinas; But of course, it is a port of Uruguay and Argentine governments have done nothing to agree with that country; Then the port of Comodoro Rivadavia de Chubut and different public officials and unions interested in granting the use of Chinese ships from the ports; Also the port of Rio Grande of Tierra del Fuego and finally the intention of opening to the Chinese all the ports of Santa Cruz, lending them logistic assistance to the fleet that fish illegally at a distance from the People's Republic of China; But, the idiots reproduce and return with the cantinela of the short look. Bread for today and hunger for tomorrow.
On the other hand, the now former chancellor with the Mondino-Mlamy Pact reedites the Foradori-Duncan pact facilitating the British through the precise knowledge of the fishing stocks illegal fishing in the Argentine waters of Malvinas, consolidating their presence in the archipelagos and The southern Atlantic area of ​​the South Atlantic and, to help even more the English, they are authorized to San Pablo contributing to the commercialization of their products in the most important market in South America and access to the world. No one could doubt that this new pact violates the first transitory provision of the National Constitution.
Chinese state companies have already been granted fishing quotas and authorizations in Argentina and legally operate in our seas. The majority of the Jiggers who make up the Argentine 'Poteros' (jiggers) Chamber (Capa) with a fleet of 65 fishing vessels, "capture more than 90% of the Argentine total" (in 2022 they captured 167,110 tons of the Illex squid) and are ships of origin in origin in The Chinese state since, despite the name of the Chamber, it is made up of 68% of ships of Asian companies (mostly Chinese); 18% Spanish and, only 14% Argentines. There are several companies acquired totally or partially by China in Argentina and, remember that most Chinese companies are not private, but belong to the Chinese state. Among the main Argentine exporters of this origin are the Fenix ​​group; Arbumasa S.A. of the Dalian Huafeng Aquatic Prod co. LTD group; ARDAZPEZ; Conarpesa, from the acquisition of a significant percentage of its shareholding package by the Spanish Wofco integrated with Chinese capitals; Shanghai Jinyou Deep Sea Fisheries Co., etc. with exports of the order of the 280 million dollars annually.
China, on the other hand, is among the five main countries importing Argentine fishing products, although, with US $ 3,700/ton (2021), it is the lowest compared to the rest of the four importing countries. It would be necessary to verify if the ships Chinese by registering the Argentine flag have also dropped their flag of the corresponding registration of China, since otherwise - as ventilated in the port environments - they would not be paying import rights in China of the products extracted from Argentina. In addition, with more than 300 Chinese ships (about 270 are jiggers and another 30 trawlers) that illegally fish the migratory resources from the Argentine ZEE, it is the most important fleet that fish in subsidized and reported by drug trafficking and slave work Other Chinese ships that fish in Argentinas waters of the South Georgias are added within the framework of the CCRVMA.
Officials did not seem to understand that squid is a strategic species in the Southwestern Atlantic and its appropriate administration would allow illegal fishing on the high seas and the support of the British in Malvinas. The Foreign Ministry already facilitates with cooperation agreements to the British in Malvinas, we need to facilitate operations to the Chinese by opening the Argentine ports.
To Idiotice Não Tem Fim.
British from 1976 to date extract through licenses granted to foreign ships from Spanish-British societies; Korean; Taiwanese and until 2007 to Chinese, an average of 250 thousand tons (without computing the discards) of Argentine fishing products; In addition to occupying 1,639,900 km2 of maritime and insular territory and disputing Argentina 1,430,367 km2 of continental platform and 2,426,911 km2 of the Argentine Antarctica and its corresponding waters and, it has started oil explorations north of Malvinas that The order of 791 million barrels of oil crude oil are estimated. With the British usurper and appropriator, Argentina should cooperate unilaterally? The United Kingdom has no vocation to return to Argentina a strategic space of access to Antarctica and control of the South Atlantic, the Pacific, the Indian and directly linked to Patagonia.
A IDIOTICE DO EX-minister of exterior relações Mondino Não Tem Fim.
Giving the ports to China add a supine ignorance of the operability that ships of this nationality that fish at a distance do. A renowned entrepreneur of the fishing sector - at the same time the most lucid and knowledgeable of the fishing business - says in this regard: «It is terrifying the ignorance that the Argentine authorities have, not only the provincials, about the fishery problem and in particular about the problem in the problem in the adjacent zone at 200 miles, including Malvinas. They imagine that the foreign fleet can generate income to their provinces via the sale of services to those ships. In the case of Santa Cruz, he is encouraged, in the first place, because the stowage union in that province dreams of increasing its activities, although the decline of activities in the desired port is due in large part to the fact that while in that port Download a ship is worth approximately $ 150 a ton in the port of Vigo leaves $ 20; Second, supermarkets plan to sell provisions to those ships and, thirdly, some service station imagines selling them diesel. Although, none of the three things will happen. The Chinese fleet that operates in Altamar transfers its loads with the crew itself. The value of this task is included in the monthly salary of the crew; But, even if we were assigned a value, it would not exceed $ 10 a ton. Since the time of the Marcos agreements with the USSR and Bulgaria, as well as during the operations of Calamar Charteo, there was always a resounding negative to use local stowage, due to the exposed costs. Regarding the purchase of provisions of fresh products, such as some vegetable or fruit, they probably buy leek and onion of green, the rest is rice and spices that they bring from their countries. The diesel takes it on a high seas to a value subsidized by the Chinese government. Chinese workers do not have passports and will not be able to go down for fear of defections. In short, this "Great idea ” will limit themselves to giving them support to improve the efficiency of Chinese ships transfining in a safe port or making some repairs that make them waste a lot of time due to the very high seas conditions and, in addition, on trips to and from the Ports will have to capture in the Argentine Zee and make valuable information about the situation of the resource when using sonars during its transfer, an issue that is worth a fortune, in terms of evaluating the length of the campaign and estimating the quantities of the recruitment. All this in exchange for nothing ». And it is truly so. It is unheard of opening the ports to the Chinese under the pretext of generating businesses. They do not navigate thousands of miles for it, but to take our resources to the lowest possible cost, as is logical in any company and, even more, when they must account for the Chinese state. With the illegal fishing that the Chinese take we could multiply in 100% Argentine employment and develop the Patagonian coast. There is no reason to ask the Chinese - who will not be free - to solve Argentine problems and less pretend to eliminate illegal fishing by giving them the ports or giving logistics facilities; On the contrary, it will definitely be to close all the doors of future agreements on the high seas, contrary to the most basic negotiating process.

We have already referred ("Spain. Necessary participant in the occupation of Malvinas", 11/2/23) that the Illex squid consumed by the European Union comes in 46.7% of America and 47.8% of Asia, Where Chinese, Taiwanese and Koreans illegally fish our migratory resources. It would be good to know, who certifies the origin and traceability of these products for their entrance to Europe. According to official figures from the FAO and the Chinese government, the capture of the Illex squid in 2021 in the Southwestern Atlantic reached 580,000 tons, of them, 170,000 tons correspond to captures in Argentinas de Malvinas waters and, 132,000 tons of speakers and Argentine drags . For its part, the landing in the port of distant water of Zhoushan was carried out by 214 Chinese ships operating in the Southwestern Atlantic and Eastern Pacific during the first semester of 2021; A 61% increase in relation to 2020.
In this scenario who would be the irresponsible to authorize the use of ports to Chinese ships that perform illegal fishing in the South Atlantic? It is not possible to imagine that Chinese ships enter national ports if Argentina does not have the capacity to control the Argentine Sea and in its ports without previously agreeing with China the administration (research, conservation and equitable distribution) on the high seas of migratory resources Original from the ZEE, the associates and those that migrate from high seas to the ZEE and, it implies, initially and, every year, to determine the "maximum sustainable capture."
An eloquent report on the Chinese strategy, supplies us the reporter Li Dong (People's Daily Online, 2/14/2022) of the Ministry of Agriculture published by FIS Seafoodmedia Group (2/2/23) The report indicates that “production production of tunids and squid in 2022 will stabilize at 2.25 million tons, approximately 30 % of the national production of China of marine fish »and where alone, the capture of these two species represents 281 % of the total Argentine catches ( 800,000 tons) in the same period, which demonstrates the magnitude of Chinese fishing and the severity that they are doing illegal migratory squid fishing on the high seas. The person in charge of that ministry declared that "... the statistics show that China has more than 2,500 fishing boats on the high seas" and, the southwestern Atlantic, one of the most important underwear in the world, has more than 350 vessels fishing illegally And, within the opinions related to the 14th five -year plan for China's national fishing development, there is to “participate deeply in the world's world governance ... build fishing bases in distant waters as a nucleus, expand the fields of Aquatic products processing, storage and repair of ships ... Build a new development pattern for the entire industrial chain of distant fishing ... further improve the level of mechanization, computerization and intelligence of the equipment and still optimize Moreover, the ability to study world fisheries ... »and in the specific to Calamar and the South Atlantic Fao 41 refers to“ regulating the folders; Promote the development of intensive processing, expand the product market; Strengthen the construction of the entire squid industry chain ... Make the China Oceanic Square Trade Center larger and stronger ... Strengthening the development of Antarctic marine biological resources constantly and orderly. ... ncourage distant water fishing companies to accelerate their development ...encourage and support companies to build pelagic fishing bases abroad ... Promote the mechanization, automation and intelligence of fishing boats, replace humans with machines and reduce costs ... »(Ministry of Agriculture and Affairs Rural, 2/2/2022), coinciding with what he tries in Argentina and in numerous ports of South America.
It is evident China's intention to have a hegemony in the administration of resources in the oceans, in addition to technologically strengthening their fleet and their efficiency to increase their production; Maintaining the transfers on the high seas, along with promoting the construction of fishing bases abroad. With this action plan, no one, in their healthy judgment, could facilitate Chinese operations in the South Atlantic, providing them with logistical support in the ports, without previously resolving the administration on the high seas.
For their part, Daniel F. Rande and William A. Schreyer said 2/2/2023 «... The appearance of massive fisheries in all South America provides a worrying indication of the potential of this presence to expand (Y) given The difficulties of access to Antarctica, the closest countries represent vital strategic entrance doors ».
About what we have said, we refer to (César Lerena “the eradication of illegal fishing on the high seas to control the South Atlantic and Malvinas ...” 5/4/2021) to the intention of the administrator of the Port Consortium of Comodoro Rivadavia of Chubut and vice president of the Argentine Port Council Favio Cambareri who failed to award the Cía. China Hongdong Fischery Co. (the same one that would sign a memorandum of understanding years later in Santa Cruz) the construction of a shipyard in Comodoro Rivadavia to provide repair services to Chinese ships that illegally fish our resources; That, in addition, there would be inexorably to provide other logistical tasks in favor of them and, surely it will not have to stop ships of these nationalities, since given such ease to operate illegally in the southwestern Atlantic the wipes of the world.
Can a simple administrator of a port establish the administration policy of Argentine migratory resources in the South Atlantic?, Absolutely not. Maritime, river, naval and fishing issues cannot be in the hands of a mere administrator of a port. These are framed in a complex plot that should be treated in an integrated, staggered and with a watchmaking mechanism, since Argentina has the equivalent of 52% of its ZEE and the Malvinas archipelagos, South Georgias and South Sandwich occupied: In addition, as is said to violate all current Argentine regulations.
A year later, the Minister of Production of Tierra del Fuego Sonia Elizabeth Punish would promote the opening to Chinese who illegally fish the Argentine resources of the port to be built in Rio Grande for Mirgor SA (Journal of 11/24/22) with Chinese capitals and// or the state of China Shaanxi Chemical Group (Memorandum of Understanding signed on 8/16/22). All this with the obvious support of Governor Gustavo Melella, who would have a very good relationship with the Chinese government. These officials ignored the validity of laws 24,922, 26,386 and 27,564 and articles 2; 25o; 31O inc. 4; 49o; 53 inc. 5; 54o; 58o inc. 7 and 11; 63o; 68, 79, 81, 87, 139 and 188 of the Constitution of Tierra del Fuego; Provincial Fisheries Law (8/17/1995) Articles 6, 12th to 18th and 41 and those derived from smuggling due to lack of payment of customs rights (Law 22,415) (César Lerena “Minister of Tierra del Fuego would facilitate the illegal fishing ... ”11/24/2022).
Finally, the governor of Santa Cruz Claudio Vidal would have signed “after several visits to different provinces of China” (Maritime Report, 11/11/24) a memorandum of understanding with the company of the Chinese state Fuzhou Hongdong Pelagic Fischery Co., in whose Ports of Santa Cruz would be given to Chinese ships that illegally fish the Argentine migratory fishery resources (which seems to ignore their minister Gustavo Martínez when they say that "these people are part of the world market game rule"), "installing a Shipyard; improving the five ports and the development of fishing plants to add value ”(say that the Chinese would add value in Argentina is not serious). From the free Chinese income, a base of operations of this country in the Southwestern Atlantic would have serious geopolitical implications in relation to Patagonia, Antarctica and the bioceanic steps and the installation of new strange tensions in the South Atlantic.
In this madness, I could find sustenance that the province of Santa Cruz is asking the Federal Council for the assignment of 30 thousand tons more of the social share of hake.
In these three projects of three Patagonian provinces, those who took illegally since 1982 to date the whopping 152 billion dollars in migratory fishery products from the Argentine Zee, with which they could have extended, renewed and modernized all all the country's ports. They are a colonizing model that dresses us to the eighteenth/19th century and, reveals, the lack of national strategic planning and, the inability of officials to administer the State and enhance the national business and labor force.
It would also be indispensable that the National State is attentive to the fact that there are no returns in these types of agreements that violate all current legislation.
Idiotez is an inability to administer the resources of the nation and inability is revealed by putting people in the maximum possibility of their abilities and, in many occasions, this threshold is very low.

Dr. César Augusto Lerena

Experto en Atlántico Sur y Pesca.

Ex Secretario de Estado.

Presidente Centro de Estudios para la Pesca Latinoamericana (CESPEL)

Presidente de la Fundación Agustina Lerena


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