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'Every foreign squid vessel is obliged to use the SISESAT satellite beacon as a condition to be admitted to enter the Peruvian sea'

The deadline imposed by PRODUCE to issue regulations that end the questionable entry of Chinese ships to Peru has expired

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Saturday, August 10, 2024, 21:00 (GMT + 9)

Recently, in an event organized by the Committee for the Sustainable Management of the Giant Squid of the South Pacific (CALAMASUR) and the Scientific University of the South (UCSUR), the problem of the entry of Chinese fishing vessels into Peruvian ports and shipyards, without using the satellite tracking device required by Peruvian standards, as well as to evaluate the proposed solution to this conflictive situation that the Ministry of Production (PRODUCE) has proposed.
To correct the aforementioned distortion generated by previous efforts by the Ministry of Production, the current head, Sergio González, announced in June in the newspaper Gestión, that PRODUCE would be issuing a device to correct this situation of lack of protection of the Peruvian sea.
For this reason, on July 16, a regulatory project was published that reaffirms that every foreign squid vessel is obliged to use the SISESAT satellite beacon as a condition to be admitted to enter the Peruvian sea.
Chinese 'jigger' fishing vessels in the port roadstead waiting to enter (photo: YouTube)
No later than August 15, according to statements to TV Perú by Minister Sergio González, PRODUCE will publish a supreme decree that establishes measures to prevent illegal fishing.
The decision to issue this regulatory improvement came after massive protests arose from artisanal guilds who showed their indignation at the enormous entry of Chinese fishing vessels into national ports and the serious crisis that squid fishing is going through, coinciding with the indiscriminate presence of foreign porter ships in our ports.
Chinese jigger vessel in the port roadstead waiting to enter (photo: YouTube)
They denounced that large Asian industrial ships enter Peru without complying with Supreme Decree No. 016-2020-PRODUCE, which establishes that every squid vessel intending to enter Peru must prove the use of PRODUCE's SISESAT satellite tracking device from six months before your arrival.
In 2020, this measure was established to ensure that Peru does not provide logistical facilities to vessels that could be involved in illegal fishing practices.
Chinese jigger vessel in the port roadstead waiting to enter (photo: YouTube)
At the event, Alfonso Miranda, president of CALAMASUR, reported that, since May 2023, 251 Chinese ships have arrived in Peru as a result of the decision to disapply said supreme decree.
Miranda pointed out that, suddenly, from the indicated date and until today, ships have been allowed to enter without having the SISESAT equipment, although this contravenes not only the aforementioned supreme decree, but also the Agreement on Measures of the Port State. , ratified by Peru in 2017.
To delve into the significant changes that the new regulations would bring, Piero Rojas Vásquez, a specialist in fisheries law, highlighted that said proposal states that squid vessels, regardless of their reason for entering a Peruvian port or shipyard, must have installed the SISESAT satellite equipment.
According to the expert, if they do not comply with the aforementioned condition, once their work in Peruvian ports is completed, they would be prevented from obtaining the sailing permit that would authorize them to leave the country to return to their fishing activities on the high seas.
Chinese jigger vessel in the port roadstead waiting to enter (photo: YouTube)
CALAMASUR delegates from the capture sector of Chile, Ecuador and Peru, Pascual Aguilera, George Pinto and Henry Juárez, respectively, also participated in the event.
Each of them, in turn, warned about the urgency for governments to act to protect the giant squid.
In particular, they highlighted that it is essential that PRODUCE keeps its word and corrects the bad actions that emanated from the ministry itself and that allowed more than two hundred vessels to improperly enter Peru, thereby failing to comply with the commitments made internationally regarding combat. against illegal fishing.
They added that the presence of these ships in ports like Paita has been a provocation that has endangered social peace in the department of Piura and along the entire coast.
The event was closed by Andrés Dulanto, dean of the Faculty of Law of the Scientific University of the South, who referred to illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing as one of the greatest challenges the world is experiencing.
“The entry into Peru of vessels from distant water squid fleets has placed us, as a society, in a complex scenario that we need to examine and in the face of which we must be proactive,” he concluded.


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