Image: Advance Africa / FIS
Copper cage technology for African aquaculture
Friday, August 04, 2023, 07:20 (GMT + 9)
Advance Africa has conducted several studies on behalf of the Copper Development Association Africa (CDAA) to assess the utility and viability of copper cage technology for the African aquaculture sector. These studies included:
Source: Advance Africa
A comparative assessment of bio-fouling on copper alloy chain link mesh, and nylon and polyethylene netting: The study was designed to assess the antifouling efficacy of four different copper alloys in comparison to nylon and polyethylene netting material, as alternative materials for use in fish cage culture.
Saldanha and Algoa Bay copper cage oyster trial: Investigation of the effect of copper alloy nets on growth, survival and metal accumulation in Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas), in Saldanha and Algoa Bays, South Africa.
Source: Advance Africa-->
Copper nets for tilapia cage culture in Lake Cahora Bassa, Mozambique and dusky kob aquaculture in Richards Bay, South Africa: Testing fish growth and production in copper cages vs nylon and HDPE cages. Responsibilities included project planning, experimental design, project management, data analyses and economic modelling.
Strategic action plan for promotion of copper cage technology in African aquaculture: The CDAA conducted a range of trials to determine the feasibility and efficacy of utilising different copper alloys as netting material for various aquaculture applications with Advance Africa being appointed as the project manager and project leader under various contracts over a 5-year period. Following the completion of the project, the CDAA appointed Advance Africa to undertake a market development exercise to promote the use of copper cage technology in several locations in Africa. This involved engagement with various aquaculture operators with a view to promoting the use of copper cage technology within a commercial context.
Source: Advance Africa
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