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Rosselkhoznadzor has suspended the issuance of permits for the import of finished products from fish (TN VED 1604) and seafood (TN VED 1605) originati

As of today, Russia has banned the import of seafood from countries deemed 'hostile'

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Wednesday, August 02, 2023, 01:00 (GMT + 9)

From August 1 until the end of 2023, the government introduced a ban on the import of finished fish and seafood products from unfriendly countries. This measure is provided for by the Cabinet of Ministers of July 20, 2023 No. 1173.

In this regard, from July 31, 2023, the Rosselkhoznadzor has suspended the issuance of permits for the import of finished products from fish (TN VED 1604) and seafood (TN VED 1605) originating from countries approved by this decree.

Under the ban on import to the Russian Federation, according to the document, there are ready-made and canned fish, sturgeon caviar and its substitutes, as well as ready-made or canned crustaceans, mollusks and other invertebrates.

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The ban applies to the import of the listed products from the USA, EU countries, Canada, Norway, Albania, Montenegro, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Great Britain and Northern Ireland, as well as from Ukraine.

However, the Rosselkhoznadzor over the past 3 years has recorded a decrease in the supply of fish products from these countries. According to the Argus information system, 1,704 tons of finished fish products were imported in 2021, 563 tons in 2022, and 290 tons in 2023.

Rosselkhoznadzor explains the decline in supplies, including restrictions due to identified violations. For example, an excess of the permissible level of arsenic was found in canned fish from Croatia, bacteria of the E. coli group in preserves from Estonia, and the absence of pink salmon DNA in salmon pate from Slovenia. 

The Federal Agency for Fishery  believes that the ban on the import of fish products from unfriendly countries will free up niches in the domestic market for domestic producers.

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