Mark J. Spalding, President, concurrently serves as the Executive Director of Fundación Bahía de Loreto A.C. He is the chair of the Council of the National Whale Conservation Fund. Mark is an active participant in the marine working group, Baja California group, and coral reef group of the funders' organization, the Consultative Group on Biological Diversity. He serves on the International Bering Sea Forum. He has consulted for the Alaska Conservation Foundation, San Diego Foundation, the International Community Foundation, the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, Fundación La Puerta, and a number of family foundations. He designed and managed the Orca Fund. He has served as a member of the Environmental Grants Advisory Committee of FINCOMUN (Tijuanas Community Foundation). In addition, he has helped design some of the most significant ocean conservation campaigns in recent years. He brings his extensive experience with the legal and policy aspects of ocean conservation to the Foundation's grantmaking strategy and evaluation process. Read More. |