CEO of Nofima AS.
Educated as a veterinary in Germany in 1981.
After completion of studies, scholarship holder in veterinary pathology (NLVF).
Doctor of Veterinary Medicine in1985.
Worked two years as assistant professor at the Norwegian School of Veterinary Science. From 1986, work with the industry.
Broad experience from biotechnology, diagnostic and pharmaceutical industry, and from aquaculture industry.
Position as Vice-CEO of Dynal, Managing Director of Fürst Medical Laboratory, Sales- and Marketing Director of Alpharma and responsible for Fjord Seafood’s aquaculture activities, world-wide.
Managing Director of Nofima Mat AS since 2005.
Chairman of the board of Bioparken AS and the Food Programme of the Research Council of Norway.
Several courses in leadership and economy at IMD, Harvard Business School, Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration, and The Norwegian School of Management.