Pesquera Diamante S.A., leading company in the fishing sector and one of the largest in this field in Peru, supplies the world with fishmeal and fish oil meeting the highest standards in terms of quality standards.
2007 - Acquisition, by Pesquera Diamante, of 72% of Pesquera Polar and 100% of Pesquera del Atlántico SRL and Consorcio Malla SA This operation was carried out within the framework of the consolidation of the fishing sector.
Requirement, efficiency and innovation. Three of the main characteristics that represent our essence and that are our flag since 1986, forging a successful and impeccable trajectory in the fishing sector.
We seek to satisfy the nutritional needs of the Peruvian and world market, taking proteins and foods of marine origin, with the guarantee of a process that follows the highest standards of quality in fishmeal and fish oil processing, preserves and fresh and frozen products.
More than 4 billion rubles (U$D 44.4M) of investment and 250 new jobs Russia Fed.
A large fish processing plant will appear on Sakhalin within the framework of investment quotas
The site being prepared for construction was visited by the head of the Federal Agency for Fisherie...
The invisible agenda of the giant squid Peru
There has been extensive discussion regarding the need to correct the denaturation of Supreme Decree 016-2020-PRODUCE, which has been ignored since 2023, to allow the entry of more than 300 Chinese in...
South Korea's Frozen Pollock Market Update – Week 36, 2024 South Korea
In week 36 of 2024, the wholesale prices of frozen pollock in South Korea exhibited mixed trends depending on the size. Prices for sizes 6, 7, and 8 continued to decline, while the price for size 9 re...