May 2010 marks the beginning for Shark Advocates International, a new, non-profit initiative dedicated to conserving some of the ocean's most vulnerable, valuable, and neglected animals - the sharks.
With the benefit of nearly two decades of achievement on the front lines of shark fishing and trade debates, SAI will provide leadership in advancing science-based national and international shark conservation policies, and serve as a reliable source for related information.
SAI will use every available resource to be nimble and effective in the toughest policy arenas, defending existing safeguards and promoting the next most significant and urgently needed advances in shark conservation.
SAI puts a premium on accuracy and perseverance, and welcomes opportunities to collaborate with other interest groups, scientists, and governments. We are really excited about this endeavor and would welcome your support!
More than 4 billion rubles (U$D 44.4M) of investment and 250 new jobs Russia Fed.
A large fish processing plant will appear on Sakhalin within the framework of investment quotas
The site being prepared for construction was visited by the head of the Federal Agency for Fisherie...
The invisible agenda of the giant squid Peru
There has been extensive discussion regarding the need to correct the denaturation of Supreme Decree 016-2020-PRODUCE, which has been ignored since 2023, to allow the entry of more than 300 Chinese in...
South Korea's Frozen Pollock Market Update – Week 36, 2024 South Korea
In week 36 of 2024, the wholesale prices of frozen pollock in South Korea exhibited mixed trends depending on the size. Prices for sizes 6, 7, and 8 continued to decline, while the price for size 9 re...