Akua-Group is an internationaly recognized fishery group. A bluefin tuna farming entity well known in the fishing world, as a serious buyer and supplier with 1800 ton catch and 2700 ton harvest capacity. The ultimate fishing group from Turkey, the country engulfed by the seas on three sides.
The Istanbul based Akua-Group incorporates Akua Dem, Akua Kocaman and Akua Uluslararasi. It has two fish farm sites in Izmir, each has 800 tonnes of production capacity. The bluefin tuna cages are impressive – they measure 50m and 66m in diameter and hold around 75 and 125 tonnes of fish. They need to be large because the tuna can range from 40kg up to 400kg in weight (this is key because fish below 30kg can’t be caught by law). It takes about 3½ years for the fish to reach maturity – they are usually held in the cages from May to January the next year. During this time, they feed on pelagic fish such as sardines and mackerel and they need 10-15 tonnes per day.
Market situation for Norwegian herring and mackerel Norway
Increased competition for herring - and record prices
Norway exported 14,160 tonnes of herring worth NOK 307 million in August
The value increased by NOK 9 million, or 3 per cent, comp...
2024 Weekly Alaska Salmon Harvest Update #11 United States
Harvest Through 8/31/2024 (Statistical Week 35)
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Note: YTD comparisons are based on statistical weeks. Statistical weeks between years do not align with calendar dates...
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