The beginnings of theShipyardare linked tothe work ofits founder, DonFedericoContessi, whobegan innaval activityat a young agein his native Italy, wherehis uncleworked ina shipyardbuilderand repairer ofwooden fishingboats.Federicoarrives in Argentinain 1947 with16 yearsof ageand immediatelyused inMar del Platathe same officebuilding.
Thecompany president, FedericoContessi, still workingin the workshopalongside hisworkers,trying tospreadits profounddedication to thegreatnaval artto future generations.
On the other handand simultaneously withconstruction work, the Shipyardcontinues to providerepair servicesto thenational fishing fleet,puttingdryhalfof 60 to80 boatsper year.Theserepairsincludesomeintegral transforms, long,engine changesand other worksof great magnitude.