Dawnfresh, based in Scotland is the largest supplier of fresh and frozen trout, whole, fillets, portions and added value, and is the second largest supplier of scampi frozen in the uk. The group also produces, breaded fish, fishcakes, hot & cold smoked fish, and marinated fish. Brands include Kintyre, RR Spink and Daniel's Herring.
Alastair Salvesen & family acquired the original company from Christian Salvesen Ltd in 1983 and have through acquisition and organic growth, created a major food company. The Dawnfresh Group is the largest supplier of fresh trout within the UK and is proud to have RR Spink, famous for the Arbroath Smokie, together with Daniel's marinated herrings operations, within its product portfolio.
Dawnfresh acquired Scot Trout in April 2008 and has worked hard to integrate the aquaculture and processing operations. It continues to invest in state of the art facilities across all areas of the business.