Since the company was founded in 2008, Horn served as a comprehensive investment invested both in listed and unlisted securities in most industries. Horns is now about 24 billion in a diversified portfolio and the majority of assets of foreign currency income.
Landsbréf. came from the 11th September 2012 the management of the portfolio Horns. Work is in progress at present divides an angle into two or more companies, and will thus portfolio Horns exchanging a few companies that later will be offered to institutional investors. It is expected that these companies will be under management by Landsbréf, but all employees were hired by the Horns country shares when the company took over the management of assets Horns. Is it a sign of Landsbréf have decided to increase the weight sérstækra investments in their own communities.
Horn is a subsidiary of Landsbanki, one of Iceland’s largest banks, owned by the government of Iceland.
Horn hefur frá stofnun félagsins á árinu 2008 starfað sem alhliða fjárfestingarfélag sem fjárfest hefur jafnt í skráðum sem óskráðum verðbréfum í flestum atvinnugreinum. Efnahagsreikningur Horns nú er um 24 í dreifðu eignasafni og er meirihluti eigna félagsins með tekjur í erlendri mynt.
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