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Mowi ASA (formerly Marine Harvest ASA) - Headquarters
  Fecha: lunes, 22 de mayo de 2017  22/05/2017 19:21:57

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Asunto: Norway - Offer - Fresh - Marine Harvest chooses groundbreaking technology to secure freshness


Marine Harvest chooses groundbreaking technology to secure freshness

Marine Harvest is planning to introduce a new and disruptive technology
innovation for their fish products on the European market. By adding the
industry leading smart labelling indicator Keep-it® to their products, they will be
the first global seafood company to offer customers and consumers a tool that
shows accurate and real time freshness and shelf life. The technology will
and redefine the way the industry will define shelf life by making it much easier
to secure freshness, food quality and reduce food waste.
– Temperature variations in the cold chain makes handling fresh fish a race
against the clock. With Keep-it shelf life indicators, we can offer our clients and
their customers a tool that monitors freshness with accuracy. It is both simple
and smart, and secures the top quality product we would like to offer the
European seafood consumers, says Ola Brattvoll, Chief Operating Officer in
Marine Harvest.
Marine Harvest is planning to introduce their products with Keep-it indicators in
ten European markets by 2019. As early as 2017, test launches will take place
in selected countries. Keep-it indicators are attached directly after the fresh fish
is cut and packed. Throughout the cold chain, Keep-it will track the actual
temperature impact on the fish product in real time, thus enabling a more
dynamic and precise shelf life than traditional date stamping.

– Our aim is to provide a better tool for producers, retailers and consumers than
today’s static date stamp. With Keep-it, Marine Harvest and their customers will
have a smart and simple tool to secure and document a high quality cold chain
and evidence of freshness. With our solution we believe traditional date
stamping will soon be expired, says Kristen A. Hovland, CEO in Keep-it

A game changer for the industry

After testing the concept over a few years with the Norwegian retailer REMA
1000, verifying the concept and documenting value creation, Keep-it is now
ready to launch internationally. The retail chain has experienced increased
consumer satisfaction, better in-store routines, reduced food waste and hence
improved profitability. Since implementing Keep-it on more than 20 million fresh
food products, REMA 1000 has attained a front seat position in shelf life
accuracy and food waste reduction in the Norwegian market.

– We have high expectations for this new technology and that it will help us in
further developing the high quality prepacked fresh fish category in Europe,
says Ola Brattvoll, Chief Operating Officer in Marine Harvest.

Nombre de Compañía: Mowi ASA (formerly Marine Harvest ASA) - Headquarters
Nombre: Hjetland, Ola Helge
Dirección: Stortingsgaten 8 Oslo, Norway
C.P.: N-0161
Teléfono: +47 21 56 20 00
Fax: +47 21 56 20 01
e-mail: [email protected]
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HACCP  Organico Soil Assoc/UK  U.E.  USDA/USDC & FDA  RF (Rusia)  EFSIS/European Food Safety Inspection Service 



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