AKSH - Aker Seafoods Holding AS (name changed to Havfisk ASA)
Posición: Executive Vice President of Production
Nombre: Mr Jóhannes Pálsson
Johannes Palsson (1959) joined Aker Seafoods ASA as executive vice president in charge of production in August 2008. Mr. Palsson comes to Aker Seafoods from the Icelandic company Sildarvinnslan, where he since 2001 has worked as president of the company. From Sildarvinnslan, Mr. Palsson brings with him both pelagic and whitefish production experience. Mr. Palsson has a background in/from technology and graduated from the Aalborg University in Denmark with an MSc in sivil engineering, with focus on operating systems.
Si el bacalao nos fallara, ¿qué tendríamos entonces? Noruega
Durante miles de años, el skrei (un bacalao migratorio) ha viajado más de 1.000 kilómetros desde el mar de Barents para desovar a lo largo de la costa del norte de Noruega. Este e...