Ms. Fiona Chandler joined the Center in August 2010 as the Director of Donor Relations and Communications. She was previously the Scientific Liaison Officer for the interim Consortium Office (the evolution of the Office of the Alliance of CGIAR Centers). Fiona has more than 17 years experience in the field of public international agricultural research and sustainable development both in developing and developed countries built on private and public sector business experience. Fiona holds a Bachelor of Applied Science in Coastal Management (University of New England) and Masters of Environmental Management and Development (Australian National University) and brings to the position broad experience in resource mobilization, fund raising, partnership development and networking and knowledge management. She also has extensively knowledge of the CGIAR System having previously attached to not only the Consortium (Alliance) but also the system-wide Information, Communication, Technology and Knowledge Management (ICT-KM) Program of the CGIAR, Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) and The World Agroforestry Centre
Botadura N° 151 del Buque Pesquero Marlene del Carmen Argentina
Domingo Contessi, presidente del astillero, advirtió sobre la crisis que atraviesa la flota fresquera argentina durante el evento.
Este sábado se llevó a cabo la botadura del buq...