Photo: Sernapesca
August has to pass: Sernapesca begins a new campaign due to the ban on southern hake
Thursday, August 08, 2024, 06:50 (GMT + 9)
Sernapesca has launched the campaign "So that it does not run out, August has to pass" to raise awareness about the biological ban on southern hake, which prohibits its extraction and commercialization during August, thus protecting its reproduction and artisanal fishing activity.
Why is the ban on southern hake implemented in August? During this period the reproductive peak of the species occurs, a crucial moment for its recovery and conservation. Therefore, we call on everyone to respect this vital measure for the sustainability and balance of marine ecosystems.
So that it doesn't run out, August has to pass," is the new campaign of the National Fisheries and Aquaculture Service (Sernapesca) to call on citizens to respect the biological ban on southern hake that, like every year, begins on August 1 and It extends until the last day of the same month, a period that protects the reproductive peak of this resource, which is key for its recovery.
It is one of the most important fishing resources for the south of the country and, according to the report on the state of fisheries from the Undersecretary of Fisheries and Aquaculture published this year, it is currently in a state of overexploitation.
To publicize the ban, Sernapesca officials visited different markets, restaurants, points of sale, process plants and storage places from the Los Ríos region to Magallanes to deliver important information to marketers and consumers, but also to verify the stocks of the resource of the different agents before the start of the ban.
Soledad Tapia, National Director of Sernapesca, referred to their role as a Service to ensure compliance with this administration measure. “At Sernapesca we must ensure that the ban is respected in its entirety, and in this sense, during August we are going to reinforce inspections together with the Sustenta Network at landing points, fishing areas, road controls and throughout the value chain. In this way, we not only take care of the sustainability of hake, but also the work of artisanal fishermen.”
In this sense, the regional director of Sernapesca, Cristian Hudson, referred to the importance of verifying the stock before starting the ban. “The verification and declaration of the stock is very important, because in this way we ensure that the resource was extracted and marketed before the start of the ban. The important thing is that fresh hake is not sold during August, which is why we call for other fish and seafood to be preferred during this period.”
The biological ban prohibits the extraction of southern hake from the Los Lagos region to Magallanes, according to exempt decree No. 140 of the Subpesca, which also prohibits the marketing, processing, storage, transportation of the fresh resource throughout the national territory, this being a crime.
The objective of this administration measure, in addition to protecting the species during the peak of its reproduction period, is to protect the fishing activity on which thousands of families of artisanal fishermen depend, who have their boats registered to extract southern hake or also called hake. from the south, according to the Artisanal Fishing Registry maintained by Sernapesca.
Source: Sernapesca
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