Weekly Alaska Salmon Harvest Updates are produced for ASMI by the McKinley Research Group
2024 Weekly Alaska Salmon Harvest Update #11
Thursday, September 05, 2024, 07:00 (GMT + 9)
Harvest Through 8/31/2024 (Statistical Week 35)
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Note: YTD comparisons are based on statistical weeks. Statistical weeks between years do not align with calendar dates. Data are subject to revision. Source: Alaska Department of Fish & Game . *Chinook figures exclude harvest before week 20.
• Harvest remains down year-over-year across all five salmon species. With the season winding down, this is unlikely to change.
• Annual harvest fluctuations are normal for Alaska’s wild-caught species, especially with pink salmon given their two-year life cycle. But a decline across all salmon species is atypical.
• Sockeye is the only species on track to surpass the pre-season harvest projections. Yet the season has not been without challenges. Although more fish were harvested than expected in Bristol Bay, the average size per fish of 4.2 pounds was the lowest on record.
• Coho harvests have continued to lag 2023 throughout the season. The statewide harvest has reached just 35% of the pre-season projection. For reference, coho was at 59% of predicted harvest through statistical week 35 last year.
• Prince William Sound pink and keta fisheries have experienced some of the most significant harvest declines, although sockeye harvests were up 59% in the region. Prince William Sound pink salmon catch volumes remain similar to 2016, a year in which a “fisheries disaster” was declared.
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2024 Average Fish Weights
- Salmón rojo con red de enmalle de deriva de Bristol Bay: 4,2 libras.
- Pesquerías de curricán del sudeste: Chinook 10,6 libras, salmón coho 5,0 libras, keta 7,0 libras.
- Red de enmalle de deriva de Taku Inlet/Stephens Passage/Port Snettisham (Sudeste): keta 6,0 libras
- Pesquería de recuperación de costos de criadero de cerco de Prince William Sound: salmón rosado 3,5 libras.
Source: alaskaseafood.org
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