In France, the fishing industry is unique due to the variety of fishing practices, the species caught and the actors it is composed of. Reflects its diversity, France Terre de Pêches is a group of more than 1,000 fishing companies, which employs more than 5,500 fishermen in the sea and feeds more than 10 million francs. Created in 2024 by the initiation of producer organizations, France Terre de Pêches claims to participate with the French compromises and the realities of the fishermen and raise the voice of the sector in the public debate.
Our action is based on 3 convictions:
1. Las businesses pesqueras en Francia offerrecen products de calidad, pescados por fesionales apasionados por el mar y respetuosos con el medio ambiente,
2. Businesses in France operate on the basis of food safety and security,
3. The fishing industry in France is based on professions and technical knowledge that is at the center of the protection of marine and coastal ecosystems, so that future generations should be appropriated.
Our object is to present our new professions and explain the reality of our sector, its functions, its practices and its actors. Let us explain and understand the economic, environmental and human problems that affect the fishing industry today, and that we deal with it to guarantee the existence of a sustainable fishery, capable of fulfilling its essential mission: to feed the population.