TASA, leader of the fishing industry, is to provide the food world and marine ingredients of high quality and added value in harmony with the community and the environment. It applies a model of fisheries management and industrial processing which is exemplary for its eco-efficiency and respect for biodiversity.
It also provides shipyard services aimed at the construction, modification, maintenance and repair of vessels and naval craft.
TASA is currently the leading producer of fishmeal and fish oil worldwide, with 12 fishmeal and fish oil plants located along the Peruvian coast, 01 frozen food plant located in Callao, 01 refined and concentrated oil plant, around 3,100 employees and an own fleet of 48 fishing vessels, of which 14 have refrigeration systems (RSW) for human consumption; ensuring optimal fish supply and marketing the products in strict compliance with the highest standards of quality.
Milestones of the last years:
-First Fishing company to comply with the Maximum Permissible Limits (LMP) industry for 2015.
-Recognized With Distinctive Socially Responsible Company (ESR).
-First Place in the Business Creativity Award, category "Decentralized Company" by Supply Project of fish distribution center.
-Prize National Quality and Gold Medal for excellence in production.
-First Place in the Business Creativity Award, category "Commitment to society" by NutriTASA Project.
-Distintivo ESR for the second consecutive year.
-Obtaining Certification Friends of the Be for Responsible Fisheries.
-Home Operations Research and Development Center of TASA, a pioneer in the fisheries sector in Peru.
-3 Awards for Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development by the association Peru
-Honorable Mention in the National Prize for the Environment for good sustainable fishing practices.
-For The third consecutive year, recognized with the Socially Responsible Company (ESR).
Our products are commercialized in the 5 continents, where the TASA brand is recognized for the quality of its products and services, and recognized as a leading and innovative company with a long term vision.
More than 4 billion rubles (U$D 44.4M) of investment and 250 new jobs Russia Fed.
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