The Instituto del Mar del Peru (IMARPE) is a Specialized Technical Agency of S ector Production Subsector P Scheria, oriented scientific research and the study and knowledge of the Peruvian sea and its resources, to advise the State in making decisions about the wise use of fishery resources and conservation of the marine environment, actively contributing to the development of country.
IMARPE The research covers the knowledge of the sea and its dynamics, through the study of physical oceanographic processes, chemical and biological agents with an ecosystem approach.
In this context and within current government policy, scientific research IMARPE becomes the key to the development of artisanal fisheries and sustainable aquaculture and their contribution to sustainable industrial fisheries, in which item Peru presents a significant position worldwide.
The presence of IMARPE along the Peruvian coast and their contribution to regional development and decentralization, enhance the transformation of existing Centros de Investigación Regional (CIR).
Also, for new fisheries-oriented research studies are conducted on the sustainable use of straddling and highly migratory species like tuna and mackerel.
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