OPAGAC is an organisation of producers of frozen tuna recognized in Spain by the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food through its subsidiary Agency FROM (Ministerial Order of July 7, 1986, published in the Official Gazette No. 169 16 July 1986 as Royal Decree 337/1986 and as EEC Regulation No 2062/1980).
After the admission of Spain into the European Economic Community on 1 January 1986, the owners associated to AGAC presented to the Fund Regulation and Organization Products Market Fisheries and Mariculture (FROM) a proposal that was elevated to the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food for OPAGAC to become the OPP-1 (Fish Producers Organisation no. 1), since it was the first Spanish organisation to present its credentials.
List of five companies associated with OPAGAC:
Atunera Dularra S.L.
Albacora, S.A.
Cia. Europea de Tunidos
Nicra 7 S.L.
Petusa Group/Pesqueria de Tunidos S.A.
The fleet of OPAGAC operated 13 purseiner vessels:
The OPAGAC/AGAC fleet has always led efforts to improve the sustainability of its fishery. These initiatives, often come from fishermen who are always innovating and trying to improve the fishing capacity of our fleet and reduce the impact on the ecosystem. These projects are completed with the help of scientists from recognized institutions as the Spanish Institute of Oceanography and AZTI, and then are applied to the entire fleet. Our advances have solid scientific and technical bases and the commitment of our research fleet is absolute. These advances are proposed as measures to be applied by other tuna fleets within the RFMOs.
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