All aquaculture products with the GGN label are certified in accordance with the rules of GLOBALG.A.P aquaculture standards. GGN stands for a thirteen-figure identification number by which all certified participants in the production and supply chain can be recognised (popup: the abbreviation GGN stands for ‘GLOBALG.A.P. number').
A fish farmer with this number identifies himself as a participant in the independent certification procedure in accordance with the GLOBALG.A.P. standard.
Importers and exporters in the worldwide supply chain are checked to ensure that GLOBALG.A.P. certified goods are suitably distinguished from non-certified goods and that they are correctly marketed as such. Any visitor to GGN.ORG can find out who has produced a particular end product and which farm it was bred on. This direct line between the consumer and the original producer forms the basis of a chain of trust in food production.