Fish Pool ASA is established as a Regulated marketplace for the buying and selling of financial salmon contracts at an international level.
Fish Pool ASA is licenced by the Norwegian Ministry of Finance to operate as an Regulated Marketplace for commodity derivates with fish and/or seafood as underlying products. A Regulated Marketplace has the same set of rules as an Exchange and is surveilled by The Financial Supervisory Authority of Norway (Kredittilsynet). This surveillance secures the trading members at Fish Pool ASA:
Neutrality and equal treatment of all market participants
Secure trading with appropriate quality assurances
Objectivity and high ethical standards
Fish Pool ASA offer two options for settlement of contracts: Bilateral settlements and Clearing.
Clearing services are operated by NOS Clearing ASA, a licenced clearing house with more than 1 Bill NOK in capital.
Fish Pool ASA started up trading in May 2006 and is located in Bergen , Norway. By May 2009, Fish Pool has close to 160 trading members and has passed 3,5 billion NOK milestone of underlying turnover.Fish Pool ASA is established as a Regulated marketplace for the buying and selling of financial salmon contracts at an international level.
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