Dissolved Oxygen, TDS & Conductivity Meters |
Dynamic Aqua-Supply Ltd. #216 - 7750 128th Street Surrey, B.C. Canada V3W 0R6 Fax: (604) 543-7604 E-Mail: [email protected] |
Dissolved Oxygen Meters |
Conductivity & TDS Meters |
Hanna (HI9142) Waterproof Dissolved Oxygen Meter:
The HI9142 is a rugged, water resistant meter that is easy to use. Air calibration. Polarographic probe is accurate to 0.2 ppm in less than 1 minute and is equipped with a 4 meter cable. It is supplied with the cable, probe membrane kit, and rugged carrying case. Range: 0.0 to 19.9 ppm (mg/L) Resolution: 0.1 ppm (mg/L) Accuracy: 1.5% of Full Scale Temp. Compensation: Automatic Battery: 4x1.4V (AAA) Battery Life: 100 Hours Continuous Environment: 0 to 50 °C Weight: 425g (Meter), 1.4kg (Kit) |
Oxyguard Mk I & Mk II Dissolved Oxygen
The Mk I & Mk II are portable (pocket sized) dissolved oxygen meters. The Mk II measures D.O. in both % saturation, ppm (mg/l) and temperature. The Mk I measures only D.O.. Calibration can be readily performed in the air. The meters are watertight and can be used in all kinds of weather.The galvanic cell probe stores dry. The meters require no warm up time and have a very short response time. They have strong membranes that are very simple to change when required. |
Normal Measuring Range, DO: Overrange Indication, DO: Response Time, DO: Temperature Compensation: Accuracy, DO: Accuracy, Temperature: Power Source: Battery Life: Standard Cable Length Dimensions: Standard Accessories: |
0-600% sat. / 0-50.0 ppm 0-1999% sat. / 0-199.9 ppm 90% of end value within 10 seconds Automatic - Double Thermistor Better than +/- 2% of reading +/- 0.2 C Standard 9 Volt Battery More than 1000 operating hours 3 meters (longer cables available) 145x80x35 cm Membrane cap, membranes & O-rings, electrolyte and carrying case |
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Oxyguard Mk III Dissolved Oxygen Meter: The Mk III is a portable (pocket sized) dissolved oxygen meter. It measures in both % saturation, ppm (mg/l) and temperature. It has a handy built-in easy to set salinity compensation. Calibration can be readily performed in the air. The meter is watertight and can be used in all kinds of weather.The galvanic cell probe stores dry. The meter requires no warm up time and has a very short response time. It has strong membranes that are very simple to change when required. |
Normal Measuring Range, DO: Overrange Indication, DO: Response Time, DO: Salinity Compensation: Temperature Compensation: Accuracy, DO: Accuracy, Temperature: Power Source: Battery Life: Standard Cable Length Dimensions: Standard Accessories: |
0-600% sat. / 0-50.0 ppm 0-1999% sat. / 0-199.9 ppm 90% of end value within 10 seconds 0-50 ppt Automatic - Double Thermistor Better than +/- 2% of reading +/- 0.2 C Standard 9 Volt Battery More than 1000 operating hours 3 meters (longer cables available) 145x80x35 cm Membrane cap, membranes & O-rings, electrolyte and carrying case |
Conductivity Meters:
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Hanna (HI9033) Waterproof Conductivity Meter
The HI9033 is ideal for in the field measurements due to its rugged protective case and small size, yet it provides you with lab grade accuracy thanks to advanced electronics. 4 Conductivity ranges with one probe. The meter comes complete with probe, 1 meter cable, and hard carrying case. Range: 0.0 to 199.9 µS/cm 0 to 1999 µS/cm 0.00 to 19.99 mS/cm 0.0 to 199.9 ms/cm Resolution: 0.1 µS/cm, 1 µS/cm 0.01 ms/cm, 0.1 ms/cm Accuracy: 1% of Full Scale Temp. Compensation: Automatic Battery: 9 Volt (100 Hours of Use) Calibration Solutions |
Hanna (HI933100) Waterproof Conductivity and Temperature Meter:
The large user-friendly dual level display shows both conductivity and temperature at the same time. Reads over a wide range from pure water to brine with one four ring probe. Automatic calibration and buffer recognition.
Range: Resolution: Accuracy: Calibration: Temp. Compensation Battery: Environment: Weight: |
0.0 to 150.0 µS/cm 150 to 1500 µS/cm 1.50 to 15.00 ms/cm 15.0 to 199.9 ms/cm 0.1 µS/cm, 1 µS/cm, 0.01 ms/cm, 0.1 ms/cm 1 °C +/- 1% of Full Scale, +/- 0.5°C Automatic 1 point Calibration Automatic from 0 t0 60°C 4 x 1.5V (AAA), Power Socket for 12VDC supply 0 to 50°C 425 grams Calibration Solutions |
TDS & Conductivity
PockeTesters Automatic temperature compensation. Large easy to read LCD read-out. 2% of full scale accuracy. Calibrate against appropriate calibrating solutions - single point. Operating temperature 0-50°C. Operates on 4 x 1.4V batteries (supplied) with 200 hours of continuous use. The meters weigh 90 grams. TDS1 (5-1756): 0-1990 ppm x 10 ppm TDS2 (5-1757): 0-10.0 ppt x 0.10 ppt TDS3 (5-1758): 0-1990 µS x 10 µS TDS4 (5-1759): 0-19.90 µS x 0.10 µS |
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