Salmon affected by ISA virus. (Photo: M.Ortiz University of Maine)
EU stresses ISA control programme in Chile
Monday, June 30, 2014, 23:10 (GMT + 9)
Officials from the Food and Veterinary Office (FVO), under the Directorate General for Health and Consumer Protection (SANCO) of the European Union (EU), observed the implementation of disease control measures in force in the national salmon industry.
The audit team's visit was completed between November and December 2013 in order to analyze the export of live animals and animal products to the EU market.
Delegates assessed the disease monitoring programmes carried out by the National Fisheries and Aquaculture Service (SERNAPESCA) and the Agricultural and Livestock Service (SAG), and particularly stressed the specific programme for Virus Infectious Salmon Anemia (ISA).
The Chilean salmon industry suffered a heavy blow in 2007 due to the spread of an outbreak of ISA virus, which caused a really serious health, economic and labour crisis.
But when several years later, in 2013, new outbreaks were produced in the Aysen region, major steps were noted to control the situation. The audit highlighted the comprehensive analysis performed by SERNAPESCA in the development of official investigations against suspected diseases.
The Department of Animal Health, under the SERNAPESCA Aquaculture Unit is the agency responsible for generating Monitoring and Control Programmes of aquatic animals. To this end, it relies on the support of a network of authorized laboratories performing diagnostic tests as part of monitoring programmes and control of disease, allowing its early detection.
As it is noted in the audit report released last 11 June, "the team of professionals in charge of the area, both at central and regional levels, demonstrated to have a high level of expertise in the area of animal health."
It was observed by "those responsible for generating the disease control and surveillance programmes, as those in charge of monitoring the farms and of performing follow-up control of abnormal events."
The document highlights the compliance with the standards implemented by the EU for the export of live animals and animal products.
In addition, it is appreciated that SERNAPESCA implements these standards by analyzing the risk associated with imported supplies – eggs, food and equipment, which are used in aquaculture, as this makes it possible to offer guarantees of compliance with animal health standards requested by the Community Executive.
Related article:
- ISA outbreak in Invermar salmon centre confirmed
By Analia Murias
[email protected]